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Effects of Ginseng Radix on the ischemia-induced 4-vessel occlusion and cognitive impairments in the rat/
[Kim, Young-Ock;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Effects of Date and Growth Regulators on the Culture of' Immature Zygotic Embryos of North American Ginseng/
[Hovius, Marilyn H. Y.;Saxena, Praveen K.;Proctor, John T. A.;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Cardioprotective Effect of the Mixture of Ginsenoside Rg3 and CK on Contractile Dysfunction of Ischemic Heart/
[Kim, Jong-Hoon;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Effects of 8 weeks administration of Korean Panax ginseng extract on the mood and cognitive performance of healthy individuals/
[L., Reay J.;B., Scholey A.;O., Kennedy D.;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
In vivo anti-metastatic action of Ginseng Saponins is based on their intestinal bacterial metabolites after oral administration/
[Saiki, Ikuo;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Cognitive improvement by ginseng in Alzheimer's disease/
[Lee, Soon-Tae;Chu, Kon;Kim, Jeong-Min;Park, Hyun-Jeong;Kim, Man-Ho;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Prospective Study for Korean Red Ginseng Extract as an Immune Modulator following a Curative Surgery in Patients with Advanced Colon Cancer/
[Boo, Yoon-Jung;Park, Joong-Min;Kim, Jin;Suh, Sung-Ock;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Effect of Korean Red Ginseng Extract on Blood Circulation in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial/
[Shin, Kyeong-Seob;Lee, Jung-Jin;Kim, Yeong-Il;Yu, Ji-Yeon;Park, Eun-Seok;Im, Ji-Hyun;You, Soon-Hyang;Oh, Ki-Wan;Lee, Myung-Koo;Wee, Jae-Joon;Kim, Young-Sook;Yun, Yeo-Pyo;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Ginsentology II: Chemical Structure-Biological Activity Relationship of Ginsenoside/
[Lee, Byung-Hwan;Nah, Seung-Yeol;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007    
Inhibitory Effects of Red Ginseng on Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis and Scratching Behavior Reactions in Mice/
[Trinh, Hien-Trung;Bae, Eun-Ah;Han, Myung-Joo;Shin, Yong-Wook;Kim, Dong-Hyun;] / Journal of Ginseng Research / 2007