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Estimation of Paddy Rice Growth Parameters Using L, C, X-bands Polarimetric Scatterometer/
[Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Young;Lee, Hoon-Yol;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Examining Influences of Asian dust on SST Retrievals over the East Asian Sea Waters Using NOAA AVHRR Data/
[Chun, Hyoung-Wook;Sohn, Byung-Ju;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Design and Implementation of the Taxi Telematics Driving History Data Visualization System using Google Earth/
[Choi, Jin-Woo;Yang, Young-Kyu;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Analysis of Present Status for the Monitoring of land Use and Land Cover in the Korean Peninsula/
[Lee, Kyu-Sung;Yoon, Yeo-Sang;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Shin, Jung-Il;Yoon, Jong-Suk;Kang, Sung-Jin;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Fire-Induced Forest Disturbance Mapping by Using QuickBird Imagery/
[Kim, Choen;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Analysis of Abnormal Sea Surface Temperature in the Coastal Waters of the Yellow Sea Using Satellite Data for the Winter Season of 2004/
[Moon, Jeong-Eon;Yang, Chan-Su;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Comparison of Digital Number Distribution Changes of Each Class according to Atmospheric Correction in LANDSAT-5 TM/
[Jung, Tae-Woong;Eo, Yang-Dam;Jin, Tailie;Lim, Sang-Boem;Park, Doo-Youl;Park, Hwang-Soo;Piao, Minghe;Park, Wan-Yong;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Speckle Noise Removal by Rank-ordered Differences Diffusion Filter/
[Ye, Chul-Soo;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Despeckling and Classification of High Resolution SAR Imagery/
[Lee, Sang-Hoon;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009    
Analysis of Landslide Characteristics of Inje Area Using SPOT5 Images and GIS Analysis/
[Oh, Che-Young;Kim, Kyung-Tag;Choi, Chul-Uong;] / Korean Journal of Remote Sensing / 2009