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No Article Title /Author/Journal Title/Publication Year Cited
Development of Inertial Measurement Sensor Using Magnetic Levitation/
[Kim, Young D.;Cho, Kyeum R.;Lee, Dae W.;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Conceptual Design of a Ducted Fan for Helicopter Anti-Torque System/
[Hwang, Chang-Jeon;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Performance Analysis of Korean WADGPS Algorithms with NDGPS Data/
[Yun, Young-Sun;Kim, Do-Yoon;Pyong, Chul-Soo;Kee, Chang-Don;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Development of Monopropellant Propulsion System for Low Earth Orbit Observation Satellite/
[Lee, Kyun-Ho;Yu, Myoung-Jong;Choi, Joon-Min;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Orbit determination for the KOMPSAT-1 Spacecraft during the period of the solar maximum/
[Kim, Hae-Dong;Kim, Eun-Kyou;Choi, Hae-Jin;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Target Detection probability simulation in the homogeneous ground clutter environment/
[Kim, In-Kyu;Moon, Sang-Man;Kim, Hyoun-Kyoung;Lee, Sang-Jong;Kim, Tae-Sik;Lee, Hae-Chang;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Conceptual Design of a Rocket-Powered Plane And Its Use For Space Tourism/
[Park, Chul;Kim, Kyoung-Ho;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Efficient Time Domain Aeroelastic Analysis Using System Identification/
[Kwon, Hyuk-Jun;Kim, Jong-Yun;Lee, In;Kim, Dong-Hyun;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
A Study on the Effect of Inlet Boundary Condition on Flow Characteristics of a Supersonic Turbine/
[Shin, Bong-Gun;Kim, Kui-Soon;Kim, Jin-Han;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005    
Vibration Measurement and Flutter Suppression Using Patch-type EFPI Sensor System/
[Kim, Do-Hyung;Han, Jae-Hung;Lee, In;] / International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences / 2005