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No Article Title /Author/Journal Title/Publication Year Cited
The Impact Stresses and Wave Propagation of Laminated Composites/
[Ahn, Kook Chan;Kim, Doo Hwan;Lee, Gwang Seok;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
A Study on the Stabilization Force Control of Robot Manipulator/
[Hwang, Yeong Yeun;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
Low Temperature Catalytic Activity of Cobalt Oxide for the Emergency Escape Mask Cartridge/
[Park, Jae-Man;Kim, Deog-Ki;Shin, Chang-Sub;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
Development of a Three-Dimensional DNS Code for Study of Clean Agents -Two-Dimensional Simulation of Diluted Nonpremixed Counterflow Flames-/
[Park, Woe Chul;Hamins, A.;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
Iterative Analysis for Nonlinear Laminated Rectangular Plates by Finite Difference Method/
[Kim, Chi Kyung;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
Breakdown Characteristics and Lifetime Estimation of Rubber Insulating Gloves Using Statistical Models/
[Kim, Doo Hyun;Kang, Dong Kyu;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
Design of Mobile Phone for Minimization of the Impact of Electromagnetic Wave on Human Body/
[Hwang, Myung Hwan;Woo, In Sung;Yang, Hee Young;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
The Effect of Compressive Residual Stresses of Two-stage Shot Peening for Fatigue Strength of Spring Steel/
[Park, Keyoung Dong;Jung, Chang Gi;Kwon, Oh Heon;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
Detection and Classification of Bearing Flaking Defects by Using Kullback Discrimination Information (KDI)/
[Kim, Tae-Gu;Takabumi Fukuda;Hisaji Shimizu;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
Autoignition of Urethane Foam to be Used as the Insulator of the Household Refrigerator/
[Choi, Jae Wook;Mok, Yun Soo;] / International Journal of Safety / 2002    
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