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The Journal of Information Systems(한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구)   DOI

  • Publisher : Korea Association of Information Systems(한국정보시스템학회)
  • Foundation Date : 1992-11-00
  • Language : kor
  • ISSN : 1229-8476
  • WebOfScience SUBJECT : Computer Science, Information Systems

Cited Journal Data Citing Journal Data
Indicators 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
① Docs. 43 48 51 44 46
② Docs. (2years) 87 95 91 99 95
③ Docs. (3years) 121 130 143 142 143
④ Docs. (5years) 178 197 212 229 238
⑤ Refs. 2043 2176 2247 1955 2110
⑥ Cited 19 14 9 10 6
⑦ Cited (2years) 74 53 82 79 42
⑧ Cited (3years) 77 59 87 93 80
⑨ Cited (5years) 80 61 90 103 148
⑩ Self Cited 17 9 8 8 2
⑪ Self Cited (2years) 52 38 57 55 32
⑫ Self Cited (3years) 53 38 59 60 66
⑬ Self Cited (5years) 54 38 59 65 129
ⓐ Impact Factor (2years) [⑦/②] 0.851 0.558 0.901 0.798 0.442
ⓑ Impact Factor (3years) [⑧/③] 0.636 0.454 0.608 0.655 0.559
ⓒ Impact Factor (5years) [⑨/④] 0.449 0.31 0.425 0.45 0.622
ⓓ Immediacy Index [⑥/①] 0.442 0.292 0.176 0.227 0.13
ⓔ ZIF (2years) [(⑦-⑪)/②] 0.253 0.158 0.275 0.242 0.105
ⓕ ZIF (3years) [(⑧-⑫)/③] 0.198 0.162 0.196 0.232 0.098
ⓖ ZIF (5years) [(⑨-⑬)/④] 0.146 0.117 0.146 0.166 0.08
ⓗ Self Citing Rate [⑩/⑤] 0.008 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.001
ⓘ Self Cited Rate [⑩/⑥] 0.895 0.643 0.889 0.8 0.333

1. Docs.

2. Refs.

3. Cited.