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Nutrition Research and Practice   SCOPUS Registered SCI Registered SCIE Registered JCR

  • Publisher : The Korean Nutrition Society(한국영양학회)
  • Foundation Date : 2007-03-31
  • Language : eng
  • ISSN : 1976-1457
  • WebOfScience SUBJECT : Nutrition &dietetics

Cited Journal Data Citing Journal Data
Indicators 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
① Docs. 90 82 64 63 64 62 69 72
② Docs. (2years) 168 187 172 146 127 127 126 131
③ Docs. (3years) 239 258 269 236 209 191 189 195
④ Docs. (5years) 388 405 411 404 396 363 335 322
⑤ Refs. 3247 2988 2298 2376 2420 2425 3104 3202
⑥ Cited 8 10 8 4 0 1 3 5
⑦ Cited (2years) 67 71 51 50 27 20 17 32
⑧ Cited (3years) 101 95 80 75 38 26 33 50
⑨ Cited (5years) 142 138 101 100 66 29 55 122
⑩ Self Cited 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1
⑪ Self Cited (2years) 25 26 17 9 10 7 8 19
⑫ Self Cited (3years) 23 30 25 13 12 10 12 32
⑬ Self Cited (5years) 28 40 31 19 20 12 14 72
ⓐ Impact Factor (2years) [⑦/②] 0.399 0.38 0.297 0.342 0.213 0.157 0.135 0.244
ⓑ Impact Factor (3years) [⑧/③] 0.423 0.368 0.297 0.318 0.182 0.136 0.175 0.256
ⓒ Impact Factor (5years) [⑨/④] 0.366 0.341 0.246 0.248 0.167 0.08 0.164 0.379
ⓓ Immediacy Index [⑥/①] 0.089 0.122 0.125 0.063 0 0.016 0.043 0.069
ⓔ ZIF (2years) [(⑦-⑪)/②] 0.298 0.241 0.198 0.281 0.134 0.102 0.071 0.099
ⓕ ZIF (3years) [(⑧-⑫)/③] 0.326 0.252 0.204 0.263 0.124 0.084 0.111 0.092
ⓖ ZIF (5years) [(⑨-⑬)/④] 0.294 0.242 0.17 0.2 0.116 0.047 0.122 0.155
ⓗ Self Citing Rate [⑩/⑤] 0.001 0 0.001 0 0 0 0 0
ⓘ Self Cited Rate [⑩/⑥] 0.375 0 0.375 0 0 0 0 0.2

1. Docs.

2. Refs.

3. Cited.