1 |
Mining highly attention itemsets using a two-way decay mechanism in data stream mining
Chang, Joong-Hyuk;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.1-9,
2 |
Secure and Scalable Key Aggregation Scheme for Cloud Storage
Park, YoHan;Park, YoungHo;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.11-18,
3 |
A Folded Label Tag for Metallic Environment over UHF Band
Eum, Tae-Hwan;Moon, Byung Hyun;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.19-24,
4 |
Development of Smart Contents Platform for providing Digital Sinage Environment
Yun, Chang Ok;Choi, Yo-Seph;Yun, Tae-Soo;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.25-37,
5 |
A Simulation Study on the Performance of the RAW in IEEE 802.11ah WLANs
Jin, Sunggeun;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.39-44,
6 |
Integral Histogram-based Framework for Rapid Object Tracking
Ko, Jaepil;Ahn, Jung-Ho;Hong, Won-Kee;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.45-56,
7 |
Improving the Processing Speed and Robustness of Face Detection for a Psychological Robot Application
Ryu, Jeong Tak;Yang, Jeen Mo;Choi, Young Sook;Park, Se Hyun;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.57-63,
8 |
A Performance Enhancement Scheme for Signature-based Anti-Viruses
Jo, Min Jae;Shin, Ji Sun;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.65-72,
9 |
TFT-LCD Defect Blob Detection based on Sequential Defect Detection Method
Lee, Eunyoung;Park, Kil-Houm;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.73-83,
10 |
The Effects of Body Esteem on Purchase Intention toward Online Fashion Products: The Moderating Role of Self Monitoring
Kim, Wan-Min;Kang, Seongho;Lee, Hangeun;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.85-96,
11 |
An Efficient Methodology for Daily Waste Treatment Using Reverse Logistics Network: Focused on D Metropolitan City
Yun, YoungSu;Chen, Xing;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.97-111,
12 |
A study on unstructured text mining algorithm through R programming based on data dictionary
Lee, Jong Hwa;Lee, Hyun-Kyu;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.113-124,
13 |
An Empirical Study of the Elderly's Information Literacy on Their Happiness
Lee, Misook;Kim, Heesop;Hong, Soongoo;
Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
, v.20, no.2, pp.125-131,