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The Effects of 4D-Frame Teaching upon Mathematically Gifted Elementary Students' Mathematical Creativity and Spatial Sense
Lee, Ju Yong;Choi, Jae Ho;
Korean Society of Mathematical Education
, v.16, no.1, pp.1-20,
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The Analysis of the 6th Grade Students' Mathematical Thinking on the Application of Lakatos' Methodology
Jung, Mi Hye;Lee, Kwangho;Sim, Jaebang;
Korean Society of Mathematical Education
, v.16, no.1, pp.21-33,
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The Development and the Effects of Educational Program applied on STEAM for the Mathematical Prodigy
Lee, Seungwoo;Baek, Jongil;Lee, Jeonggon;
Korean Society of Mathematical Education
, v.16, no.1, pp.35-55,
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Comparative Analysis of Elementary Mathematics Textbooks in Korea and China: Focused on the area of Geometry
Yu, Jaehyuk;Lee, Daehyun;
Korean Society of Mathematical Education
, v.16, no.1, pp.57-70,
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Korean Elementary Teachers' Perceptions and Use of Manipulative Materials in Mathematics Textbooks
Hwang, HyunMi;Kim, SangHwa;Pang, JeongSuk;
Korean Society of Mathematical Education
, v.16, no.1, pp.71-86,