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Plantar Hypoesthesia Alters Gait Kinematics Pattern in Individuals with and without Chronic Ankle Instability
Kang, Tae Kyu;Lee, Sae Yong;Lee, Inje;Kim, Byong Hun;Jeong, Hee Seong;Kim, Chang Young;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.79-86,
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Quantitative Golf Swing Analysis based on Kinematic Mining Approach
Lee, Kyu Jong;Ryou, Okhyun;Kang, Jihoon;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.87-94,
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Differences in Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters and Lower Extremity Function and Pain in Accordance with Foot Morphological Characteristics
Jeon, Hyung Gyu;Lee, Inje;Lee, Sae Yong;Ha, Sunghe;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.95-103,
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Effects of Consecutive whole Body Vibration Exercise using Heel Raise Posture on Neuromuscular Response during Single-leg Stance
Kim, Dae Dong;Lee, Myeounggon;Youm, Changhong;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.104-112,
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Biomechanical Characteristic on Lower Extremity with or without Chronic Ankle Instability during Double Leg Drop Landing
Jeon, Kyoungkyu;Park, Jinhee;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.113-118,
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A Study of Dynamic Balance Control between Golfer and Non-golfer
Park, Jun-Sung;Lim, Young-Tae;Lee, Jae-Woo;Kwon, Moon-Seok;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.119-125,
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The Effects of Gaze Direction on the Stability and Coordination of the Lower Limb Joint during Drop-Landing
Kim, Kewwan;Ahn, Seji;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.126-132,
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Overhand Grip or Underhand Grip, which one is more Effective on Conventional Deadlift Movement?
Kim, Jaeho;Yoon, Sukhoon;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.133-139,
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Effect of Muscle Pre-activation Properties on the Magnitude of Joint Torque during Voluntary Isometric Knee Extension
Kim, Jong-Ah;Shin, Narae;Lee, Sungjune;Xu, Dayuan;Park, Jaebum;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.140-147,
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Extraction of Major Training Method that are Highly Related to Snatch Record and Jerk Record Improvement
Moon, Young Jin;Park, Tae Min;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.31, no.2, pp.148-153,