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The Theta Analysis on the Components of Ground Reaction Force According to the Ground Conditions During Gait
Ryew, Che-Cheong;Hyun, Seung-Hyun;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.241-248,
2 |
The Effects of Age and Walkway Type on Lower Extremities Kinematics in Elderly Women
Woo, Byung-Hoon;Park, Yang-Sun;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.249-256,
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The Effect of Genu Valgum on the Body Mass Index, Moment of Lower Limb Joints, Ground Reaction Force
Lee, Yong-Seon;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.257-263,
4 |
The Biomechanical Analysis of Ballet Arabesque by Using Elastic Band
Kim, Min-Jung;Yi, Kyung-Ock;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.265-274,
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Comparison of Isometric Knee Extension Torque-Angle Relationship between Taekwondo Athletes and Normal Adults
Jo, Gye-Hun;Oh, Jeong-Hoon;Lee, Hae-Dong;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.275-281,
6 |
Impact Shock Components and Attenuation in Flat Foot Running
Ryu, Ji-Seon;Lim, Ga-Young;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.283-291,
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A Comparative Analysis of Horizontal Rotation Movements for Different Ball Course during Two-handed Backhand Drive Stroke in Tennis
Seo, Kook-Eun;Chung, Yong-Min;Kang, Young-Taek;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.293-300,
8 |
Muscle Activity Analysis According to Shoulder Injury of Golf Drive Swing
Park, Jong-Yul;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.301-309,
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Effects of Landing Height and Knee Joint Muscle Fatigue on Movement of the Lower Extremity during Cutting After Landing
Kim, You-Kyung;Youm, Chang-Hong;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.311-322,
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Effects of Loading on Biomechanical Analysis of Lower Extremity Muscle and Approximate Entropy during Continuous Stair Walking
Kim, Sung-Min;Kim, Hye-Ree;Ozkaya, Gizem;Shin, Sung-Hoon;Kong, Se-Jin;Kim, Eon-Ho;Lee, Ki-Kwang;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.323-333,
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The Effects of the Stirrup Length Fitted to the Rider's Lower Limb Length on the Riding Posture for Less Skilled Riders during Trot in Equestrian
Hyun, Seung-Hyun;Ryew, Che-Cheong;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.335-342,
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The Effect in the Muscle Function Following 8-Week Dead-lift training with Whole-body Vibration in Rehabilitation for Sports Players
Oh, Ju-Hwan;Kang, Seung-Rok;Min, Jin-Young;Kwon, Tae-Kyu;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.343-351,
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A Study on Development of Non-Powered Horse Riding Device for Enhancement of Core Muscle
Lim, Young-Tae;Kwon, Moon-Seok;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.353-361,
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The Study of Joint Motion and Friction on the Floor of Poly Urethane for the Cutting Movement of Various Angles
Moon, Gon-Sung;Choi, Ji-Young;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.25, no.3, pp.363-370,