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Kinematic Analysis of Baseball Throw after 15 Weeks of Class
Chun, Young-Jin;Shin, In-Sik;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.1-7,
2 |
Comparative Analysis on Muscle Function and EMG of Trunk and Lower Extremity in Short and Long Distance Athlete
Jung, Jae-Hu;Kim, Jung-Tae;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.9-16,
3 |
Analysis of GRF & Plantar Foot Pressure of Stepping Foot on Skilled & Unskilled Player's in the Soccer Instep Shoot
Kim, Dong-Seop;Lee, Joong-Sook;Jang, Young-Min;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.17-24,
4 |
The Effects of Landing Height on the Lower Extremity Injury Mechanism during a Counter Movement Jump
Cho, Joon-Haeng;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.25-34,
5 |
Effects of Running Speed on the Foot Segments Motion at the Stance Phase
Ryu, Ji-Seon;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.35-42,
6 |
A Biomechanical Analysis of Lower Extremity Segment dur ing the Fouette en dehors Performed by Ballet Dancers
Lee, Jin;Oh, Cheong-Hwan;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.43-53,
7 |
Comparisons between Skilled and Less-Skilled Players' Balance in Hakdariseogi
Ryu, Ji-Seon;Yoo, Si-Hyun;Park, Sang-Kyoon;Yoon, Suk-Hoon;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.55-63,
8 |
Effect of Saddle to Pedal Length in Kayak Ergometer on Rowing Motion and EMG Activation in Elite Kayak Players
Ryue, Jae-Jin;Nam, Ki-Jung;Lee, Chong-Hoon;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.65-73,
9 |
Golf Club Fitting Using Robot Machine Data
Park, Sung-Jin;Jun, Jai-Hong;Park, Young-Jin;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.75-82,
10 |
Kinematic Analysis on the Stabilization & Correction Effects of Riding Posture According to Rider's Skill Levels in Horse Back Riding
Ryew, Che-Cheong;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.83-94,
11 |
The Kinematic Analysis about Double Poling Technique of National Cross-Country Skiers at Start & Finish Phases
Choi, Seul-Bi;Ryu, Jae-Kyun;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.95-104,
12 |
The Effect of Badminton Shoe Forefoot Flexibility during the Under Clear Quick Lunge from a Jump Smashing
Yi, Jae-Hoon;Sohn, Jee-Hoon;Ryue, Jae-Jin;Lee, Ki-Kwang;Lee, Jung-Ho;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.105-111,
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Effects of Forefoot Rocker Shoes with Metatarsal Bar on Lower Extremity Muscle Activity and Plantar Pressure Distribution
Park, In-Sik;Jung, Ji-Yong;Jeon, Keun-Hwan;Won, Yong-Gwan;Kim, Jung-Ja;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.113-121,
14 |
Simple Camera-based Evaluation System for Lower Limb Alignment during Pedalling
Oh, Ho-Sang;Choi, Jin-Seung;Kang, Dong-Won;Seo, Jeong-Woo;Bae, Jae-Hyuk;Tack, Gye-Rae;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.22, no.1, pp.123-129,