1 |
Analysis of Successful Landing by the Type of the Salto Backward
Han, Yoon-soo;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.1-12,
2 |
The Mechanical Analysis of the Hand spring forward and Salto forward straight with 3/2 Turn on the Vault
Yeo, Hong-Chul;Ryu, Jae-Kyun;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.13-26,
3 |
Kinematic Analysis of Double Backward Somersault on the Parallel Bars
Lee, Jong-Hun;Lee, Yong-Sik;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.27-40,
4 |
EMG Analysis of Swallow Motion in Rings
Park, Kwang-Dong;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.41-50,
5 |
The Kinematic Analysis of the Last Stride landing and Release Phase in the Women Javelin
Hong, Soon-Mo;Lee, Young-Sun;Kim, Tea-Sam;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.51-63,
6 |
The Relationship between the Angular Momentum of the Limbs and the Performance during Support Phase of the Triple Jump
Ryu, Jae-Kyun;Yeo, Hong-Chul;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.65-81,
7 |
The kinematic analysis of the Hurdling of Men's 110m Hurdle
Lee, Jung-Ho;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.83-98,
8 |
A Study on the Swing Path and Plane of the Club in Golf Swing
Sung, Rak-Joon;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.99-115,
9 |
The kinematical Evaluation of National Team' s Butterfly Turn Motion
Back, Jin-Ho;Lee, Soon-Ho;Moon, Young-Jin;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.117-131,
10 |
Analysis on lower extremity joint moment during a developpe devant
Park, Ki-Sa;Shin, Sung-Hu;Kwon, Moon-Seok;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Lee, Hung-Na;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.133-144,
11 |
Kinematics Analysis of Rumba Cucarachas Motion
Choi, In-Ae;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.145-160,
12 |
Muscle Length and Shortening Velocity Changes during the Different Types of Vertical Jumps
Chae, Woen-Sik;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.161-172,
13 |
Muscle Activity of Cycling Movements at Different Pedal Shaft Widths
Lee, Min-Hyung;Chae, Woen-Sik;Kim, Jung-Ja;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.173-182,
14 |
Biomechanics of Overhand Throwing Motion: - Past, Present, and Future Research Trend -
Sakurai, Shinji;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.183-187,
15 |
Analysis of contracting human skeletal muscles by ultrasound
Kawakami, Yasuo;
Korean Society of Applied Biomechanics
, v.14, no.1, pp.189-192,