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Phosphorylation and Reorganization of Keratin Networks: Implications for Carcinogenesis and Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition
Kim, Hyun Ji;Choi, Won Jun;Lee, Chang Hoon;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.301-312,
2 |
An Aminopropyl Carbazole Derivative Induces Neurogenesis by Increasing Final Cell Division in Neural Stem Cells
Shin, Jae-Yeon;Kong, Sun-Young;Yoon, Hye Jin;Ann, Jihyae;Lee, Jeewoo;Kim, Hyun-Jung;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.313-319,
3 |
Induction of Resistance to BRAF Inhibitor Is Associated with the Inability of Spry2 to Inhibit BRAF-V600E Activity in BRAF Mutant Cells
Ahn, Jun-Ho;Han, Byeal-I;Lee, Michael;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.320-326,
4 |
Autophagy Regulates Formation of Primary Cilia in Mefloquine-Treated Cells
Shin, Ji Hyun;Bae, Dong-Jun;Kim, Eun Sung;Kim, Han Byeol;Park, So Jung;Jo, Yoon Kyung;Jo, Doo Sin;Jo, Dong-Gyu;Kim, Sang-Yeob;Cho, Dong-Hyung;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.327-332,
5 |
Chitin from Cuttlebone Activates Inflammatory Cells to Enhance the Cell Migration
Lim, Sung Cil;Lee, Ki-Man;Kang, Tae Jin;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.333-338,
6 |
Anti-Proliferative Effect of Naringenin through p38-Dependent Downregulation of Cyclin D1 in Human Colorectal Cancer Cells
Song, Hun Min;Park, Gwang Hun;Eo, Hyun Ji;Lee, Jin Wook;Kim, Mi Kyoung;Lee, Jeong Rak;Lee, Man Hyo;Koo, Jin Suk;Jeong, Jin Boo;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.339-344,
7 |
Anti-Influenza Activity of Betulinic Acid from Zizyphus jujuba on Influenza A/PR/8 Virus
Hong, Eun-Hye;Song, Jae Hyoung;Kang, Kyo Bin;Sung, Sang Hyun;Ko, Hyun-Jeong;Yang, Heejung;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.345-349,
8 |
The Pharmacological Effects of Benachio-F® on Rat Gastrointestinal Functions
Poudel, Bijay Kumar;Yu, Jae Young;Kwon, Yong Sam;Park, Hyoung Geun;Son, Miwon;Jun, Joon Ho;Kim, Jeong Ah;Kim, Jong Oh;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.350-356,
9 |
Isorhamnetin Protects Human Keratinocytes against Ultraviolet B-Induced Cell Damage
Han, Xia;Piao, Mei Jing;Kim, Ki Cheon;Hewage, Susara Ruwan Kumara Madduma;Yoo, Eun Sook;Koh, Young Sang;Kang, Hee Kyoung;Shin, Jennifer H;Park, Yeunsoo;Yoo, Suk Jae;Chae, Sungwook;Hyun, Jin Won;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.357-366,
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Pro-Apoptotic Activity of 4-Isopropyl-2-(1-Phenylethyl) Aniline Isolated from Cordyceps bassiana
Kim, Mi Seon;Lee, Yunmi;Sung, Gi-Ho;Kim, Ji Hye;Park, Jae Gwang;Kim, Han Gyung;Baek, Kwang Soo;Cho, Jae Han;Han, Jaegu;Lee, Kang-Hyo;Hong, Sungyoul;Kim, Jong-Hoon;Cho, Jae Youl;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.367-373,
11 |
Effects of Resveratrol Supplementation on Oxidative Damage and Lipid Peroxidation Induced by Strenuous Exercise in Rats
Xiao, Ning-Ning;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.374-378,
12 |
Evaluation of Eye Irritation Potential of Solid Substance with New 3D Reconstructed Human Cornea Model, MCTT HCETM
Jang, Won-hee;Jung, Kyoung-mi;Yang, Hye-ri;Lee, Miri;Jung, Haeng-Sun;Lee, Su-Hyon;Park, Miyoung;Lim, Kyung-Min;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.379-385,
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Cardiovascular Safety Pharmacology of Sibutramine
Yun, Jaesuk;Chung, Eunyong;Choi, Ki Hwan;Cho, Dae Hyun;Song, Yun Jeong;Han, Kyoung Moon;Cha, Hey Jin;Shin, Ji Soon;Seong, Won-Keun;Kim, Young-Hoon;Kim, Hyung Soo;
The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
, v.23, no.4, pp.386-389,