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1 Fishing investigation of trawl fisheries in sea mount of central northern Pacific
Kim, Young-Seuing;On, Taeg-Yun;Cho, Sam-Kwang;Choi, Seuk-Kwan;Kon, Jeong-Lag;Yang, Won-Seuk; / The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology , v.41, no.3, pp.179-187,
2 Fishing investigation of vertical bottom longline fisheries in sea mount of central northern Pacific
Oh, Taeg-Yun;Kim, Yeong-Seung;Cho, Sam-Kwang;Kim, In-Ok;Choi, Seok-Gwan;Koh, Jeong-Rack;Yang, Won-Seok; / The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology , v.41, no.3, pp.188-198,
3 Development of fishing gear and fishery operation system for the croaker drift gill net 2. Performance tests of labor saving type model net hauler
Kim, Suk-Jong;Koo, Myung-Sung; / The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology , v.41, no.3, pp.199-206,
4 Trial manufacture of dual frequency acoustic pinger to minimize cetacean bycatch
Lee, Yoo-Won;Shin, Hyeong-Il;Kim, Seok-Jae;Seo, Du-Ok;Lee, Dae-Jae;Kim, Zang-Geun;Hwang, Doo-Jin; / The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology , v.41, no.3, pp.207-212,
5 Relationship between position error and the inner configuration of GPS receivers
Ahn, Jang-Young;Kim, Heung-Soo; / The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology , v.41, no.3, pp.213-221,
6 An experimental study on the improvement of resistance performance by appendage for 50 knots class planing hull form
Lee, Kwi-Joo;Park, Na-Ra;Lee, Eun-Jung; / The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology , v.41, no.3, pp.222-226,
7 Experimental study on the estimating effective horse power of a bottom trawl ship
Wang, Woo-Kyung; / The Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology , v.41, no.3, pp.227-233,