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Measurements of Vibration and Pressure of an Oxidizer Pump for a 7-tonf Turbopump with a Modified Rear Floating Ring Seal
Bae, JoonHwan;Kwak, Hyun-Duck;Choi, ChangHo;Choi, JongSoo;
Korean Tribology Society
, v.36, no.5, pp.253-261,
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A Comparative Study on Eigen-Wear Analysis and Numerical Analysis using Algorithm for Adaptive Meshing
Jang, Ilkwang;Jang, Yong Hoon;
Korean Tribology Society
, v.36, no.5, pp.262-266,
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Process Conditions for the Fabrication of Hydrophobic Surfaces with Different Photo-curable Resins
Hong, Sung-Ho;Woo, Heung-Sik;
Korean Tribology Society
, v.36, no.5, pp.267-273,
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Feasibility Study of Squeal Noise Reduction using Magneto-rheological Elastomer
Song, HyukGeun;Lee, Chul-Hee;
Korean Tribology Society
, v.36, no.5, pp.274-278,
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Rotordynamic Model Development and Critical Speed Estimation Through Modal Testing for the Rotor-Bearing System of a MW Class Large-Capacity Induction Motor
Park, Jisu;Choi, Jae-Hak;Kim, Dong-Jun;Sim, Kyuho;
Korean Tribology Society
, v.36, no.5, pp.279-289,
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Molecular Dynamic Simulation for Penetration of Carbon Nanotubes into an Array of Carbon Nnantotubes
Jang, Ilkwang;Jang, Yong Hoon;
Korean Tribology Society
, v.36, no.5, pp.290-296,