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Polyphasic delimitation of a filamentous marine genus, Capillus gen. nov. (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriaceae) with the description of two Brazilian species
Caires, Taiara A.;Lyra, Goia de M.;Hentschke, Guilherme S.;da Silva, Aaron Matheus S.;de Araujo, Valter L.;Sant'Anna, Celia L.;Nunes, Jose Marcos de C.;
The Korean Society of Phycology
, v.33, no.4, pp.291-304,
2 |
Envelope development and variation in Trachelomonas hispida (Euglenophyta)
Poniewozik, Malgorzata;Zieba, Emil;Sajnaga, Ewa;
The Korean Society of Phycology
, v.33, no.4, pp.305-318,
3 |
Optimized cultivation of Ettlia sp. YC001 in eutrophic pond water for nutrient removal and biomass production
Oh, Hyung-Seok;Ahn, Chi-Yong;Srivastava, Ankita;Oh, Hee-Mock;
The Korean Society of Phycology
, v.33, no.4, pp.319-327,
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Growth and nutrient bioextraction of Gracilaria chorda, G. vermiculophylla, Ulva prolifera, and U. compressa under hypo- and hyper-osmotic conditions
Wu, Hailong;Shin, Sook Kyung;Jang, Sojin;Yarish, Charles;Kim, JangKyun;
The Korean Society of Phycology
, v.33, no.4, pp.329-340,
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A comparative study of Sargassum horneri Korea and China strains collected along the coast of Jeju Island South Korea: its components and bioactive properties
Kim, Hyun-Soo;Sanjeewa, K.K. Asanka;Fernando, I.P. Shanura;Ryu, BoMi;Yang, Hey-Won;Ahn, Ginnae;Kang, Min Cheol;Heo, Soo-Jin;Je, Jun-Geon;Jeon, You-Jin;
The Korean Society of Phycology
, v.33, no.4, pp.341-349,
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Application of chloroplast promoters of Cyanidioschyzon merolae for exogenous protein expression
Krupnik, Tomasz;Wasilewska, Wioleta;Drozak, Anna;Romanowska, Elzbieta;Zienkiewicz, Maksymilian;
The Korean Society of Phycology
, v.33, no.4, pp.351-358,
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A continuous-flow and on-site mesocosm for ocean acidification experiments on benthic organisms
Kim, Ju-Hyoung;Kang, Eun Ju;Kim, Keunyong;Kim, Kwang Young;
The Korean Society of Phycology
, v.33, no.4, pp.359-366,