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The Effects of Backward Walking Training With Inclined Treadmill on the Gait in Chronic Stroke Patients
Oh, Yong-seop;Woo, Young-keun;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.1-10,
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Effect of the Head Support on a Change in Muscle Thickness for Longus Colli and Sternocleidomastoid During Cranio-Cervical Flexion Test in Subjects With Forward Head Posture
Park, Jun-sang;Song, Si-jeong;Jung, Hee-seok;Kwon, Oh-yun;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.11-20,
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The Effects of Ultrasound Imaging Visual Feedback During Toe-Spread-Out Exercise in Subjects With Hallux Valgus
Kang, Sun-young;Choung, Sung-dae;Shim, Jae-hoon;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.21-28,
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The Influence of Unloading Taping Method Using Non-elastic Tape on the Pain, Opening Mouth, Functional Level, Quality of Life in Patients With Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Hwang, Jea-hoon;Kim, Suhn-yeop;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.29-39,
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Test-retest Reliability of Sit-to-Stand and Gait Assessment Using the Wii Balance Board
Yang, Seong-rye;Oh, Yu-ri;Jeon, Ye-rim;Park, Dae-sung;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.40-47,
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Effect of Tactile Feedback on Trunk Posture and EMG Activity in People With Postural Kyphosis During VDT Work
Park, Joo-hee;Kang, Sun-young;Cynn, Heon-seock;Jeon, Hye-seon;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.48-56,
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Effect of Hip Flexion and Internal Rotation on the Hip Abductor Muscle Activity During Side-Lying Hip Abduction in Subjects With Gluteus Medius Weakness
Park, Hye-jin;Cho, Sang-hyun;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.57-67,
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Comparison of Scapular Kinematics During Active Shoulder Horizontal Adduction Between Subjects With and Without Limited Range of Motion of Shoulder Horizontal Adduction
Joung, Ha-na;Kim, Moon-hwan;Jeon, In-cheol;Hwang, Ui-jae;Kwon, Oh-yun;
Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
, v.23, no.3, pp.68-75,