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1 The historical contexts and structure of records & archives management system of Korea
Yi, Kyung Yong; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.3-56,
2 A study on Improving Operation of the Records Disposition Schedule
Park, Yoo Jin; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.57-95,
3 The study of the business archives management in POSCO
Ko, Sunme; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.96-136,
4 The Formation and Types of Business Archives m Germany
Kim, Young-Ae; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.137-180,
5 The Study of Structure and Application of EAD
Kang, So-Youn; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.181-211,
6 Practical Application of DIRKS-Manual
Kim, Ik-han; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.212-267,
7 "한국 국가기록 관리의 이론과 실제 : 기록이 없으면 역사도 없다" (곽건홍 지음. 서울 : 역사비평사, 2003)
Seol, Mun-Won; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.268-271,
8 "아카이브 만들기" (강명숙 역, 서울 : 진리탐구, 2003)
Lee, Won-Gyu; / Korea Society of Archival Studies , v., no.8, pp.272-282,