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1 Music classification system through emotion recognition based on regression model of music signal and electroencephalogram features
Lee, Ju-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Young;Jeong, Dong-Ki;Kim, Hyoung-Gook; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.115-121,
2 Improving transformer-based speech recognition performance using data augmentation by local frame rate changes
Lim, Seong Su;Kang, Byung Ok;Kwon, Oh-Wook; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.122-129,
3 Simulation of acoustic waves horizontal refraction using a three-dimensional parabolic equation model
Na, Youngnam;Son, Su-Uk;Hahn, Jooyoung;Lee, Keunhwa; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.131-142,
4 Communication performance of selective combining frequency diversity with maximum likelihood estimation in underwater multipath frequency selective channels
Lee, Chaehui;Park, Kyu-Chil;Park, Jihyun; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.143-149,
5 Experimental analysis of very long range spread spectrum underwater acoustic communication using vertical sensor array
Youn, Chang-hyun;Ra, Hyung-in;An, Jeong-ha;Kim, Ki-man;Kim, In-soo; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.150-158,
6 A method of frame synchronization of binary phase shift keying signal in underwater acoustic communications
YANG, Gyeong-pil;KIM, Wan-Jin;DO, Dae-Won;KO, Seokjun; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.159-165,
7 Performance analysis of joint equalizer and phase-locked loop in underwater acoustic communications
Kim, Seunghwan;Kim, In Soo;Do, Dae-Won;Ko, Seokjun; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.166-173,
8 Insertion loss by bubble layer surrounding a spherical elastic shell submerged in water
Lee, Keunhwa;Lee, Cheolwon;Park, Cheolsoo; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.174-183,
9 Underwater acoustic communication performance in reverberant water tank
Choi, Kang-Hoon;Hwang, In-Seong;Lee, Sangkug;Choi, Jee Woong; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.184-191,
10 Wiener filtering-based ambient noise reduction technique for improved acoustic target detection of directional frequency analysis and recording sonobuoy
Hong, Jungpyo;Bae, Inyeong;Seok, Jongwon; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.192-198,
11 Online anomaly detection algorithm based on deep support vector data description using incremental centroid update
Lee, Kibae;Ko, Guhn Hyeok;Lee, Chong Hyun; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.199-209,
12 Method for eliminating source depth ambiguity using channel impulse response patterns
Cho, Seongil; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.210-217,
13 A study on frequency gain control of frequency shift keying signals using the preamble error rate for underwater acoustic communications
Jeong, Hyun-Woo;Jung, Ji-Won;Kim, Wan-Jin; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.218-226,
14 Research trends of biomimetic covert underwater acoustic communication
Seol, Seunghwan;Lee, Hojun;Kim, Yongcheol;Kim, Wanjin;Chung, Jaehak; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.227-234,
15 Classification of bearded seals signal based on convolutional neural network
Kim, Ji Seop;Yoon, Young Geul;Han, Dong-Gyun;La, Hyoung Sul;Choi, Jee Woong; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.235-241,
16 Application of ray-based blind deconvolution to long-range acoustic communication in deep water
Kim, Donghyeon;Park, Heejin;Kim, J.S.;Hahn, Joo Young; / The Acoustical Society of Korea , v.41, no.2, pp.242-253,