1 |
Change in Fertility Rates in Korea: Causes and Future Prospect
Kim, Seung-Kwon;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.1-34,
2 |
Causes of the Recent Fertility Drop in Korea
Choi, Kyung-Soo;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.35-59,
3 |
Population Movement of Korean Chinese and Its Impacts on Their Communities: A Case Study
Kwon, Tai-Hwan;Park, Kwang-Sung;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.61-89,
4 |
The Nature and Challenges of Childcare Policies for Working Mothers in Korea
Yu, Bo-Gyeong;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.91-120,
5 |
Foreign Domestic Workers in Korea
Lee, Hye-Kyung;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.121-153,
6 |
Influences of Work and Family on the Married Female Workers' Health
Park, Soo-Mi;Han, Sung-Hyun;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.155-175,
7 |
The Bilateralization of the Kinship Relations in Korean Families: Focused on the Intergenerational Exchange
Han, Gyoung-Hae;Yoon, Sung-Eun;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.177-203,
8 |
Regional Decline and Sociodemographic Change in Kangwon Southern-Belt Mine Area
Chung, Sung-Ho;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.205-229,
9 |
Demographic, Living, and Behavioral Differentials of the Elderly's Dementia in Gyeongsan Area in Northern Gyeongsang Province
Kim, Han-Gon;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.231-255,
10 |
Reconstruction of Urbanization Levels and the Nature of Over/underurbanization Problems in China
Jun, Kwang-Hee;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.257-289,
11 |
사회학자가 바라본 고령화 사회-예비 노인을 위한 지침서-
Song, Yu-Jin;
The Population Association of Korea
, v.27, no.2, pp.291-295,