1 |
A Comprehensive Review of the Foreign Literature regarding Protest Crowd Counting
Kim, Hak-kyong;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.9-34,
2 |
A Study on the Reestablishment of the Drone's Concept
Lee, Seungyoung;Kang, Wook;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.35-58,
3 |
Special Judicial Police for Enhancing Administrative Power A Study on the Expansion of Jobs: Based on the results of 10 years' operation of Seoul Metropolitan Police Judicial Police Team
Yang, Jae Yeol;Kim, Sang Su;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.59-80,
4 |
Study on Recognition Attitudes of Residents on Safety Management against Disasters of Local Governments: Focused on Chungcheongbuk-do
Lee, Sang-Yeol;Nam, Jae-Sung;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.81-106,
5 |
A Comparative study of Korea and US Intelligence Systems: Focusing on Environment, Intelligence Organizations and Activities
Seok, Jaewang;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.107-135,
6 |
Conflict Management Strategies of Police Managers - A case study -
Jung, Jeyong;Shin, So-Young;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.137-154,
7 |
A Study on the Qualitative Growth of Foreigners Visiting the Chinese Market: Focusing on Psychological Satisfaction
Park, Jeong-Hun;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.155-176,
8 |
A Critical Review of the Transfer of Presidential Security Work to the Police
Jo, Sung-gu;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.177-194,
9 |
A Study on Period Division According to Overall Revision of 「Security Services Industry Act」
Park, Su Hyeon;Kim, Byung Tae;Choi, Dong;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.195-213,
10 |
A Study on the Effect of Organizational Culture on Security Performance
Park, Jaegon;
Korean Security Science Association
, v., no.58, pp.215-241,