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Staphylococcus Species in the Dental and Medical Environment
Han, Seung-Ho;Kim, Shin-Moo;Jeong, Seung-Il;Kim, Kang-Ju;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.1, pp.1-4,
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Effects of NaOCl on Neuronal Excitability and Intracellular Calcium Concentration in Rat Spinal Substantia Gelatinosa Neurons
Lee, Hae In;Park, A-Reum;Chun, Sang Woo;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.1, pp.5-12,
3 |
Four Voltage-Gated Potassium Currents in Trigeminal Root Ganglion Neurons
Choi, Seung Ho;Youn, Chang;Park, Ji-Il;Jeong, Soon-Yeon;Oh, Won-Man;Jung, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Won-Jae;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.1, pp.13-19,
4 |
Molecular Identification of Anginosus Group Streptococci Isolated from Korean Oral Cavities
Park, Soon-Nang;Choi, Mi-Hwa;Kook, Joong-Ki;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.1, pp.21-27,
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Molecular Discrimination of Mitis Group Streptococci Isolated from Koreans using RpoB Nucleotide Sequences
Park, Soon-Nang;Kook, Joong-Ki;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.1, pp.29-36,
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NFATc1 and NFATc3 is Involved in the Expression of Receptor Activator of NF- Ligand in Activated T Lymphocytes
Heo, Sun-Jae;Park, Hyun-Jung;Baek, Jeong-Hwa;
The Korean Academy of Oral Biology
, v.38, no.1, pp.37-42,