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Performance Study of Defected Ground Structure Patch Antenna with Etched psi (ψ) Shaped Stubs
Nadeem, Iram;Choi, Dong-You;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.203-212,
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Influence Maximization Scheme against Various Social Adversaries
Noh, Giseop;Oh, Hayoung;Lee, Jaehoon;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.213-220,
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Thailand's Innovative Strategy on ICT for Nation-Building
Chareonwongsak, Kriengsak;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.221-227,
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Semantic Similarity-Based Contributable Task Identification for New Participating Developers
Kim, Jungil;Choi, Geunho;Lee, Eunjoo;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.228-234,
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Emulearner: Deep Learning Library for Utilizing Emulab
Song, Gi-Beom;Lee, Man-Hee;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.235-241,
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Detection and Correction Method of Erroneous Data Using Quantile Pattern and LSTM
Hwang, Chulhyun;Kim, Hosung;Jung, Hoekyung;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.242-247,
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Electrical Properties of TiO2 Thin Film and Junction Analysis of a Semiconductor Interface
Oh, Teresa;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.248-251,
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Wideband Double-Radiator Circular Disc Annular Monopole Antenna
Afoakwa, Samuel;Diawuo, Henry Abu;Jung, Young-Bae;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.252-257,
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Automatic Extraction of Blood Flow Area in Brachial Artery for Suspicious Hypertension Patients from Color Doppler Sonography with Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
Kim, Kwang Baek;Song, Doo Heon;Yun, Sang-Seok;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.258-263,
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Workflow Scheduling Using Heuristic Scheduling in Hadoop
Thingom, Chintureena;Kumar R, Ganesh;Yeon, Guydeuk;
The Korea Institute of Information and Commucation Engineering
, v.16, no.4, pp.264-270,