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Optimum Design of Transverse Flux Linear Motor for Maximizing Thrust Force Using Table of Orthogonal Array
Hong, Do Kwan;Woo, Byung Chul;Kang, Do Hvun;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.505-510,
2 |
Design and Characteristics Analysis of Switched Reluctance Motor for Electric Power Pallet Vehicle
Oh, Ju-Hwan;Lee, Byeong-Seok;Lee, Choon-Tack;Jung, Woo-Yong;Kwon, Byung-Il;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.511-518,
3 |
Investigation of Small Current Interruption Performance for New Type of Interrupting Chamber in SF Gas Circuit Breaker
Song, Won-Pyo;Kweon, Ki-Yeoung;Lee, Jae-Sung;Song, Ki-Dong;Kim, Maeng-Hyun;Ko, Hee-Seok;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.519-526,
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Thermal Flow Characteristics Driven by Arc Plasmas in a Thermal Puffer Type GCB
Lee, Jong-Chul;Kim, Youn J.;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.527-532,
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Analysis on Dynamic Characteristics for Moving-Magnet Linear Oscillatory Actuator with Cylindrical Halbach Array
Jang, Seok-Myeong;Choi, Jang-Young;Cho, Han-Wook;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.533-539,
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ZCS-PWM Boost Converter Dropped Voltage and Current Stress of a Free-Wheeling Diode
Kim, Myung-O;Kim, Young-Seok;Lee, Gun-Haeng;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.540-546,
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A Pseudo-Random Carrier PWM Technique by Fixed Frequency Carrier Composition
Kim, Jong-Nam;Jung, Young-Gook;Lim, Young-Cheol;Park, Sung-.Jun;Kim, Kwang-Heon;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.547-552,
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A Study on the Dimming Control of Electrodeless Fluorescent Lamps
Jang, Tae-Eun;Kim, Hee-Jun;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.553-560,
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Power Control of a Hoist System Using Supercapacitor
Kim, Sang-Min;Yoo, Hyun-Jae;Sul, Seung-Ki;
The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
, v.54, no.11, pp.561-568,