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Fabrication of silver stabilizer layer by coating process using nano silver paste on coated conductor
Lee, Jong-Beom;Kim, Byeong-Joo;Kim, Hye-Jin;Yoo, Yong-Su;Lee, Hee-Gyoun;Hong, Gye-Won;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.1-4,
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MgO nanodot formation using the rf-sputtering method
Chung, K.C.;Yoo, J.M.;Kim, Y.K.;Wang, X.L.;Dou, S.X.;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.5-8,
3 |
A study on the reduction of ac loss of YBCO coated conductor by a mechanical striation method
Yoo, Yong-Su;Hong, Gye-Won;Lee, Hee-Gyoun;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.9-15,
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A Study on the Insulation Properties of Cryogen for the HTS SMES
Choi, Jae-Hyeong;Choi, Jin-Wook;Lee, Hai-Gun;Song, Jung-Bin;Kim, Hae-Jong;Seong, Ki-Chul;Kim, Sang-Hyun;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.16-19,
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The Conceptual Design of High-Tc superconducting Magnet for a Superconducting Property Measurement System
Choi, S.J.;Lee, S.Y.;Bae, J.H.;Sohn, M.H.;Kim, W.S.;Park, C.;Lee, J.K.;Lee, S.J.;Choi, K.;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.20-24,
6 |
A study on the current limiting characteristics and magnetic analysis of the non-inductively wound coil
Jang, Jae-Young;Park, Dong-Keun;Chang, Ki-Sung;Na, Jin-Bae;Kim, Won-Cheol;Chung, Yood-Do;Ko, Tae-Kuk;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.25-29,
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Charging and Persistent-Current Mode Operating Characteristics of BSCCO Magnet Using High-Tc Superconducting Power Supply
Jo, Hyun-Chul;Yang, Seong-Eun;Kim, Young-Jae;Hwang, Young-Jin;Yoon, Yong-Soo;Chung, Yoon-Do;Ko, Tae-Kuk;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.30-34,
8 |
A Study on Insulation Characteristics by Thickness of Laminated Polypropylene Paper for an HTS Transmission Cable
Choi, Jin-Wook;Choi, Jae-Hyeong;Kim, Hae-Jong;Cho, Jeon-Wook;Kim, Sang-Hyun;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.35-38,
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Theoretical Analysis of Charging Current of Linear Type Magnetic Flux Pump According to the Penetrated Position and Moving Speed of Magnetic Flux
Chung, Yoon-Do;Bae, Duck-Kweon;Yoon, Yong-Soo;Ko, Tae-Kuk;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.39-44,
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Electrical Insulation Characteristics of HTS Cables according to Bending Strain
Kwang, Dong-Soon;Kim, Sang-Hyun;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.45-48,
11 |
Numerical Analysis of Moving Type and Static Type Electrodynamic Suspension Simulator with Superconducting Levitation Magnet
Lee, E.R.;Bae, D.K.;Chung, Y.D.;Yoon, Y.S.;Ko, T.K.;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.49-54,
12 |
Study of the Performance of the Fin-Tube Heat Exchanger of the Miniature Joule-Thomson Refrigerator
Hong, Yong-Ju;Kim, Hyo-Bong;Park, Seong-Je;Choi, Young-Don;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.55-59,
13 |
Miniature J-T Refrigerator Using Triplet Heat Exchanger
Hwang, G.;Jeong, S.;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.60-63,
14 |
Commissioning results of the KSTAR helium refrigeration system
Cho, K.W.;Chang, H.S.;Park, D.S.;Joo, J.J.;Moon, K.M.;Kim, Y.S.;Bak, J.S.;Yang, S.H.;Fauve, E.;
The Korean Society of Superconductivity and Cryogenics
, v.11, no.1, pp.64-68,