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1 Tunneling effect due to UV irradiation in organic Cu-Pc/$Bi_2$$Sr_2$Ca$Cu_2$$O_{8+$\delta$}$ tunnel junction
Kim, Sunmi;Lee, Kiejin;Deokjoon Cha;Takayuki Ishibashi; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.99-103,
2 Novel nonequilibrium microwave emission and current-voltage characteristics of $Bi_2$$Sr_2$Ca$Cu_2$$O_{8+d}$ intrinsic Josephson junction mesas
Kim, Sun-Mi;Lee, Kie-Jin;Bae, Myung-Ho;Lee, Hu-Jong;Cha, Deok-Joon;Takayuki Ishibashi;Katsuaki Sato;Kim, Jin-Tae; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.104-108,
3 Fabrication of sing1e layer $d^2B_{z}$/dxdy second-order SQUID gradiometer
황윤석;박승문;이순걸;김인선;박용기; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.109-113,
4 Partial Principal Component Elimination Method and Extended Temporal Decorrelation Method for the Exclusion of Spontaneous Neuromagnetic Fields in the Multichannel SQUID Magnetoencephalography
Kim, Kiwoon;Lee, Yong-Ho;Hyukchan Kwon;Kim, Jin-Mok;Kang, Chan-Seok;Kim, In-Seon;Park, Yong-Ki; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.114-120,
5 Measurement of weak magnetic signals using high-$T_c$ SQUID magnetometers in magnetically disturbed environment
김인선;유권규;박용기; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.121-126,
6 Design and Measurement of an SFQ OR gate composed of a D Flip-Flop and a Confluence Buffer
정구락;박종혁;임해용;장영록;강준희;한택상; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.127-131,
7 High-temperature superconducting band-pass filters for digital cellular communication system
J. H. Lee;Y. H. Do;J. S. Kwak;C. O. Kim;J. P. Hong;K. L. Lee;S. K. Han;K. Char; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.132-136,
8 Simultaneous Measurements of the Loss Tangent of Rutile ($TiO_2$) and the Microwave Surface Resistance of $YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-{\delta}}$ Films using Two Resonant Modes of Rutile -loaded cavity Resonator
Lim, J.;Lee, J.H.;Kim, M.J.;Hur, J.;Lee, S.Y.; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.137-143,
9 Superconducting property in the Zn substituted MgC$Ni_3$
이용우;김진수;박민석;이성익;심지훈;민병일;최은집; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.144-147,
10 The study of the $BiO_{6}$ octahedra structure in superconducting $Ba_{0.6}K_{0.4}BiO_3$ single crystal by extended x-ray absorption spectroscopy
김봉준;김영철;김현탁;강광용;이재민; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.148-152,
11 Fabrication of $MgB_2$ Thin Films by rf-sputtering
안종록;황윤석;이순걸; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.153-156,
12 (TlPbBi)-(SrBa)-Ca-Cu-O superconducting films obtained by electrodeposition process
백상민;이준호;김봉준;박기곤;김영철;정대영;심윤보; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.157-161,
13 The effects of moisture content in precursor powder for Bi-2223/Ag tape
김성환;유재무;고재웅;김영국;김철진; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.162-167,
14 The characterization of Bi-2223/Ag tape fabricated by using the rectangular dies
정재훈;유재무;고재웅;김영국;신평우; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.168-171,
15 Development and fabrication of multi-filamentary Bi(2223)/Ag jointed tape
김규태;김정호;김호진;이동욱;주진호;나완수; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.172-175,
16 Superconducting properties of Bi-2223 tapes with various pre-annealing conditions
하동우;하홍수;오상수;이동훈;윤진국;양주생;최정규;권영길; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.176-179,
17 Effects of Ag-alloy sheath on thermal/electrical conductivity of Bi-2223 superconductor tapes
;;;;;John Slavko Volf;Hua Kun Liu;Miles Apperley; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.180-183,
18 Quench characteristics of HTS tapes applied over-current
임성우;최용선;황시돌;한병성; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.4, no.2, pp.184-188,