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1 Origin of High Critical Current density in $MgB_2$ thin films
Kang, W.N.;Kim, Hyeong-Jin;Park, Eun-Mi;Kim, Mun-Seong;Kim, Kijoon H. P.; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.135-139,
2 Andreev reflection in the c-axis transport of $Bi_2$$Sr_2$Ca$Cu_2$$O_{8+x}$ single crystals near $T_c$
Chang, Hyun-Sik;Lee, Hu-Jong; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.140-145,
3 Energy Gap of $MgB_2$ from Point Contact Spectroscopy
Lee, Suyoun;Yonuk Chong;S. H. Moon;Lee, H. N.;Kim, H. G.; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.146-150,
4 A Low-noise Double Relaxation Oscillation SQUID Magnetometer for Measuring Magnetoencephalogram
강찬석;이용호;권혁찬;김진목;윤병운; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.151-158,
5 Nondestmctive Evaluation of Cracks in Metal Plates by using SQUID Gradiometer
황윤석;김진태;이순걸;박용기; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.159-162,
6 Noise Properties of Directly-coupled Single-layer High-Tc 2nd-order SQUID Gradiometer
황윤석;안종록;강찬석;이순걸;김진태; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.163-167,
7 Fabrication of interface-controlled Josephson Junctions by Ion beam damage
김상협;김준호;성건용; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.168-171,
8 Simulation of RSFQ D/A Converter
추형곤;김규태;강준희; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.172-177,
9 HTS Broadband-Array Antenna for Satellite Communication
정동철; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.178-182,
10 Electromagnetic Behavior of High -$T_c$ Superconductors underthequenchstate -
정동철;최효상;황종선;윤기웅;한병성; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.183-187,
11 The application of hydrated fine MgO particles for flux pinning center in the HTS-BSCCO system
김성환;김철진;정준기;박성창;유재무; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.188-192,
12 Introducing hydrostatic extrusion process for long-length processing of Bi-2223 superconducting tape
정재훈;유재무;고재웅;강신철;김해두; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.193-197,
13 Enhanced Densification in Tl-1223/Ag Tapes Prepared Using Pretreated Precursors
Jeong, D.Y;Baek, S.M.;Kim, B.J.;Kim, Y.C.;Park, K.G.; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.198-212,
14 The fabrication of $MgB_2$/SUS Tapes by PIT Process
송규정;이남진;장현만;하홍수;하동우; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.213-217,
15 Study on the unidirectional compaction of terminal cables in the CICC joint
남현일;이호진;박재학;홍계원; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.218-223,
16 Quench properties of superconducting fault current limiters connected in parallel
Kim, Hye-Rim;Park, Hyo-Sang;Park, Kwon-Bae;Hyun, Ok-Bae;Hwang, Si-Dole; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.224-228,
17 The Analysis of Current Limiting Performance in a High-$T_c$ Superconductor using Flux-Lock Concepts
임성훈;최효상;김영순;이성룡;한병성; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.229-234,
18 The Study on Current Limiting Characteristic Analysis of Magnetic Shielding Type Fault Current Limiter
Lee, Jae;Lim, Sung-Hun;Kang, Hyeon-Gon;Ko, Seok-Cheol;Han, Byoung-Sung; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.235-240,
19 Current and voltage loading tests off resistive SFCL
최효상;현옥배;김혜림;황시돌;박권배; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.241-246,
20 Improvement of Critical Current In Bi-2223/Ag HTS Tapes by the Bubbling Control
하홍수;오상수;하동우;이남진;김상철; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.247-251,
21 Quench Characteristics of YBCO Film for Current Limiting Using Magnetic Field
박권배;최효상;김혜림;현옥배;황시돌; / The Korean Superconductivity Society , v.3, no.2, pp.252-256,