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1 Effects of different topical anesthetics on pain from needle insertion and injection, and the influence of anxiety in patients awaiting endodontic treatment
Fatih Aksoy;Samet Tosun ; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.25.1-25.11,
2 Persistent pain after successful endodontic treatment in a patient with Wegener's granulomatosis: a case report
Ricardo Machado;Jorge Aleixo Pereira;Filipe Colombo Vitali;Michele Bolan;Elena Riet Correa Rivero; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.26.1-26.10,
3 Association between cigarette smoking and the prevalence of post-endodontic periapical pathology: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Nestor Rios-Osorio ;Hernan Dario Munoz-Alvear ;Fabio Andres Jimenez-Castellanos;Sara Quijano-Guauque ;Oscar Jimenez-Pena ;Herney Andres Garcia-Perdomo ;Javier Caviedes-Bucheli; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.27.1-27.14,
4 Chitosan-induced biomodification on demineralized dentin to improve the adhesive interface
Isabella Rodrigues Ziotti;Vitoria Leite Paschoini;Silmara Aparecida Milori Corona;Aline Evangelista Souza-Gabriel; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.28.1-28.12,
5 Resin infiltrant protects deproteinized dentin against erosive and abrasive wear
Ana Theresa Queiroz de Albuquerque;Bruna Oliveira Bezerra;Isabelly de Carvalho Leal;Maria Denise Rodrigues de Moraes;Mary Anne S. Melo;Vanara Florencio Passos; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.29.1-29.10,
6 Effect of intracanal cryotherapy on postoperative pain after endodontic treatment: systematic review with meta-analysis
Fernanda Garcias Hespanhol;Ludmila Silva Guimaraes;Livia Azeredo Alves Antunes;Leonardo Santos Antunes; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.30.1-30.15,
7 Cytotoxicity of two self-adhesive resin cements and their interference in the phagocytic activity of murine macrophages
Danilo Couto da Silva ;Leonardo Gomes Vaz;Warley Luciano Fonseca Tavares;Leda Quercia Vieira;Ricardo Reis de Oliveira ;Antonio Paulino Ribeiro Sobrinho ; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.31.1-31.9,
8 Influence of inorganic composition and filler particle morphology on the mechanical properties of self-adhesive resin cements
Marina Rodrigues Santi ;Rodrigo Barros Esteves Lins;Beatriz Ometto Sahadi;Giovanna Correa Denucci;Gabriela Soffner ;Luis Roberto Marcondes Martins ; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.32.1-32.11,
9 Proximity of maxillary molar apexes to the cortical bone surface and the maxillary sinus
Han Shin Lee;Dokyung Kim;Sung Kyo Kim; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.33.1-33.10,
10 Outcome of endodontic treatments performed by Brazilian undergraduate students: 3- to 8-year follow up
Jessica Gabriele da Rocha;Isabella Marian Lena;Jessica Lopes Trindade;Gabriela Salatino Liedke;Renata Dornelles Morgental;Carlos Alexandre Souza Bier; / The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry , v.47, no.3, pp.34.1-34.12,