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Improving the 2022 Revised Science Curriculum: Elementary School "Earth and Universe" Units
Yu, Eun-Jeong;Park, Jae Yong;Lee, Hyundong;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.173-185,
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Consideration on the Contents of the Electromagnetism Domain in the 2022 Revised Elementary School Science Curriculum
Cheong, Yong Wook;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.186-198,
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Exploring the Possibility of Introducing Modern Physics into Elementary School Science Curriculum
Park, Jongwon;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung;Lee, Insun;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.199-216,
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Changes and Issues Regarding the Elementary Science Curriculum: Focusing on Physics
Byun, Taejin;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.217-235,
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Elementary School Science Education in Joseon as viewed by Yun Jae-Cheon during the Japanese Colonial Period
Lee, Myon U;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.236-249,
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Proposals in the Selection and Organization of Contents for the 2022 Revised Science Curriculum - Elementary School Earth and Space
Han, Jejun;Kwon, Yooji;Oh, Hyunseok;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.250-266,
7 |
Analysis on Continuity between the 2015 Revised Elementary Intelligent Life Curric ulum and Sc ienc e Curric ulum for Grades 3-4
Park, Jisun;Chang, Jina;Jin, Ye Eun;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.267-282,
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A Comparative Study on the Concept of Light Presented in Elementary School Science Curriculum and Textbooks in Korea, the US, China, and Japan
Lee, Jiwon;Kim, Jung Bog;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.283-294,
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Comparative Analysis of Inquiry Activities for Authorized Textbooks in Elementary School Science under the 2015 Revised Curriculum: Stratum and Fossils
Kim, Eun-Jeong;Jung, Suk-Jin;Shin, Myeong-Kyeong;Shin, Young-Joon;Lee, Gyu-Ho;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.295-306,
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Content Diversity Analysis of Elementary Science Authorized Textbooks according to the 2015 Revised Curriculum: Focusing on the "Weight of an Object" Unit
Shin, Jung-Yun;Park, Sang-Woo;Jeong, Hyeon-Ji;Hong, Mi-Na;Kim, Hyeon-Jae;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.307-324,
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An Analysis Reflecting on the Science core Competency of Certification Textbooks in Elementary School and Teachers' and Students' Perceptions
Chae, Heein;Noh, Sukgoo;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.325-337,
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What do Pre-service Elementary Teachers Learn from Inquiry into Science Class Dilemmas?
Yoon, Hye-Gyoung;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.338-355,
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An Examination of the Topics and Changes in the Research Papers Published in the Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation for the Topic Modeling Analysis
Chang, Jina;Na, Jiyeon;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.356-372,
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A Semiotic Analysis of the Formation of Ecologically Educational Place Identity through Nature Trails in National Parks
Kim, Dong-Ryeul;Choi, Song-Hyun;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.373-394,
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Differences in Creative Personality and Environment between Higher-Level and Lower-Level Students in Scientific Creativity
Kim, Minju;Lim, Chaeseong;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.395-417,
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Analyzing the Form, Presentation, and Interactivity of External Representations in the Matter Units of Elementary Science Digital Textbooks Developed Under the 2015 Revised National Curriculum
Kim, Haerheen;Shin, Kidoug;Noh, Taehee;Kim, Minhwan;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.418-431,
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Effects of the Application of a Maker Education Program to Elementary Science Online Class: Focusing on the Unit " Life Cycle of a Plant"
Kim, Hye-ran;Choi, Sun-young;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.41, no.2, pp.432-442,