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Elementary Teacher's Science Class Analysis using Mobile Eye Tracker
Shin, Won-Sub;Kim, Jang-Hwan;Shin, Dong-Hoon;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.303-315,
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The Development and Application of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Program related to Creative-Experience Activity for Elementary School Students
Oh, Hyun-Ju;Park, Jae-Keun;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.316-330,
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The Analysis of Students' Pre-inquire related to Elementary Science Curriculum Contents
Kang, Hountae;Noh, Sukgoo;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.331-345,
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The Effect of Science Writing Classes based on Science Core Competencies in Elementary School
Kim, Eun-Hye;Park, Jae-Keun;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.346-355,
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The Comparative Analysis between the Demanded Cognitive Levels of Science Textbooks for the Sixth Graders and the Students' Psychological Difficulty with the Textbooks
Jeong, Eun Young;Jang, Myoung-Duk;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.356-366,
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A Development and Application of the Objects on the Unit of 'Our Body' on Augmented Reality
Ryu, Hyejoo;Park, Heonwoo;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.367-378,
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The Relationship between Self-Directedness and Scientific Creativity of Science-Gifted Elementary Students
Kim, Min-Ju;Lim, Chae-Seong;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.379-393,
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The Effects of Science Classes applying Round Robin Strategy on Scientific Communicative Competence, Science Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement of Elementary Students
Kim, Cheol-hoon;Lee, Hyeong-cheol;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.394-404,
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A Case Study for Exploring Topic-Specific PCK Progression on Elementary Teachers' Instruction of 'Earth Revolution'
Lee, Jeong-A;Lee, Kiyoung;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.405-427,
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Analysis of Elementary School Students' Visual Attention on the Editorial Design of 'Structure and Function of Our Body' in the 2007·2009 Revised Elementary Science Textbook
Shin, Won-Sub;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.428-438,
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A Comparison of Grit, Failure Tolerance and Psychological Well-Being between Elementary Science-Gifted and the General Students
Youn, Sang-Chon;Choi, Sun Young;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.439-446,
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Preservice Elementary Teachers' Difficulties in Moon Observations and Their Pedagogical Suggestions
Oh, Phil Seok;
The Korean Elementary Science Education Society
, v.36, no.4, pp.447-460,