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Dynamic Characterization of Sub-Scaled Building-Model Using Novel Optical Fiber Accelerometer System
Kim, Dae-Hyun;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.601-608,
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Model-Based Prediction of Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Signals from Stratified Conductive Structures
Zhang, Jian-Hai;Song, Sung-Jin;Kim, Woong-Ji;Kim, Hak-Joon;Chung, Jong-Duk;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.609-615,
3 |
Wireless Impedance Sensor with PZT-Interface for Prestress-Loss Monitoring in Prestressed Concrete Girder
Nguyen, Khac-Duy;Lee, So-Young;Kim, Jeong-Tae;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.616-625,
4 |
Calibration of Detection System of Crack in Concrete Structure by Using Image Processing Technology
Kim, Su-Un;Shin, Sung-Woo;Park, Jeong-Hak;Choi, Man-Yong;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.626-634,
5 |
Simulation of Ultrasonic Beam Focusing on a Defect in Anisotropic, Inhomogeneous Media
Jeong, Hyun-Jo;Cho, Sung-Jong;Erdenetuya, Sharaa;Jung, Duck-Yong;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.635-641,
6 |
Long-Term Aging Diagnosis of Rotor Steel Using Acoustic Nonlinearity
Kim, Chung-Seok;Park, Ik-Keun;Jhang, Kyung-Young;Hyun, Chang-Yong;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.642-649,
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A Treatment for Truncated Boundary in a Half-Space with 2-D Rayleigh Wave BEM
Ju, Tae-Ho;Cho, Youn-Ho;Phan, Haidang;Achenbach, Jan D.;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.650-655,
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A Numerical Model for Prediction of Residual Stress Using Rayleigh Waves
Yuan, Maodan;Kang, To;Kim, Hak-Joon;Song, Sung-Jin;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.656-664,
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Contour Integral Method for Crack Detection
Kim, Woo-Jae;Kim, No-Nyu;Yang, Seung-Yong;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.665-670,
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A Noise Reduction Signal Processing for Online Monitoring: Minimum Variance Cepstrum
Park, Choon-Su;Yoon, Dong-Jin;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.671-676,
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Frequency Modulation of Ultrasound by Nonlinear Defects
Kim, No-Hyu;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.31, no.6, pp.677-681,