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Visualization of Tooth for Non-Destructive Evaluation from CT Images
Gao, Hui;Chae, Oksam;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.207-213,
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Stress Analysis of the Occlusal Force on the Mandibular First Premolar
Yoo, Oui-Sik;Chun, Keyoung-Jin;Yoo, Seung-Hyun;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.214-218,
3 |
Effects of Pre-Strains on Failure Assessment Analysis to API 5L X65 Pipeline
Baek, Jong-Hyun;Kim, Young-Pyo;Kim, Woo-Sik;Seok, Chang-Sung;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.219-223,
4 |
Correlation between Muscular Fatigue and EMG Activity during the Prolonged Casual Computer Work
Cho, Won-Hak;Lee, Woo-Yong;Choi, Hyeon-Ki;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.224-229,
5 |
A New Form of Nondestructive Strength-Estimating Statistical Models Accounting for Uncertainty of Model and Aging Effect of Concrete
Hong, Kee-Jeung;Kim, Jee-Sang;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.230-234,
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Influence of Resin-Infiltrated Time on Wood Natural Materials Using Conventional/Air-Coupled Ultrasound Waves
Park, Je-Woong;Kim, Do-Jung;Kweon, Young-Sub;Im, Kwang-Hee;Hsu, David K.;Kim, Sun-Kyu;Yang, In-Young;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.235-241,
7 |
Time Reversal Beam Focusing of Ultrasonic Array Transducer on a Defect in a Two Layer Medium
Jeong, Hyun-Jo;Lee, Jeong-Sik;Bae, Sung-Min;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.242-247,
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Preliminary PINC(Program for the Inspection of Nickel Alloy Components) RRT(Round Robin Test) - Pressurizer Dissimilar Metal Weld -
Kim, Kyung-Cho;Kang, Sung-Sik;Shin, Ho-Sang;Chung, Ku-Kab;Song, Myung-Ho;Chung, Hae-Dong;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.248-255,
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Preliminary Round Robin Test(RRT) for Program for the Inspection of Nickel Alloy Components(PINC) - Reactor Vessel Head Penetration (RVHP) -
Kim, Kyung-Cho;Kang, Sung-Sik;Shin, Ho-Sang;Song, Myung-Ho;Chung, Hae-Dong;Kim, Yong-Sik;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.29, no.3, pp.256-263,