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A Study on AE Signal Analysis of Composite Materials Using Matrix Piezo Electric Sensor
Yu, Yeun-Ho;Choi, Jin-Ho;Kweon, Jin-Hwe;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.27, no.1, pp.1-7,
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Enhancement of Image Sharpness in X-ray Digital Tomosynthesis Using Self-Layer Subtraction Backprojection Method
Shon, Cheol-Soon;Cho, Min-Kook;Lim, Chang-Hwy;Cheong, Min-Ho;Kim, Ho-Kyung;Lee, Sung-Sik;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.27, no.1, pp.8-14,
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Hybrid Stress Analysis around a Circular Hole in a Tensile Plate by Use of Phase Shifting Photoelasticity
Baek, Tae-Hyun;Lee, Choon-Tae;Yang, Min-Bok;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.27, no.1, pp.15-22,
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Concentration of Sodium Chloride Solutions Sensing by Using a Near-Field Microwave Microprobe
Kim, Song-Hui;Yoon, Young-Woon;Babajanyan, Arsen;Kim, Jong-Chul;Lee, Kie-Jin;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.27, no.1, pp.23-30,
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Development of Small-Focal Source for Non-Destructive Testing Application by Using Enriched Target Material
Son, K.J;Hong, S.B.;Jang, K.D.;Han, H.S.;Park, U.J.;Lee, J.S.;Kim, D.H.;Han, K.D.;Park, C.D.;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.27, no.1, pp.31-37,
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Detection and Sizing of Fatigue Cracks in Thin Aluminum Panel with Rivet Holes
Kim, Jung-Chan;Kwon, Oh-Yang;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.27, no.1, pp.38-47,
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Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of and Recognition of AE Signals from Composite Patch-Repaired Aluminum Panel
Kim, Sung-Jin;Kwon, Oh-Yang;Jang, Yong-Joon;
The Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
, v.27, no.1, pp.48-57,