1 |
The Mass Social Trauma and Mental Health of Cambodian
Lee, Nabin;Min, Jung-Ah;Chae, Jeong-Ho;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.71-78,
2 |
MMPI Characteristics of the Suicide Attempter Visiting Emergency Unit
Seo, Hyeong Chull;Oh, Seong Beom;Kim, Tae Hun;Lee, Jun Hyung;Kang, Suk Hoon;Lim, Myung Ho;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.79-85,
3 |
The Effect of Resilience on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Comorbid Symptoms in Firefighters
Lee, Hong-Eui;Kang, Suk-Hoon;Ye, Byoung Seok;Choi, Jong-Hyuck;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.86-92,
4 |
Comparison of the Pattern of Changes in Salivary Cortisol by Degree of Burn and CAPS Score
Kim, Jin-Na;Kim, Jee Wook;Choi, Ihn-Geun;Chun, Wook;Seo, Cheong Hoon;Kim, Kyung Ja;Lee, Boung Chul;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.93-98,
5 |
Analysis of the Five-Factor Model of Personality in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Huh, Min Jung;Byun, Min Soo;Kim, Sung Nyun;Kim, Euitae;Jang, Joon Hwan;Kwon, Jun Soo;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.99-105,
6 |
Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Combat Exposure Scale
Kim, Dong Su;Chung, Hae Gyung;Choi, Jin Hee;So, Hyung Seok;Kim, Hae Jung;Go, Chang Min;Kim, Tae Yong;Chung, Moon Yong;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.106-112,
7 |
The Application of the Clinician Administered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale to Identify Combat Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Kim, Hae Jung;Kim, Tae Yong;Choi, Jin Hee;So, Hyung Seok;Chung, Moon Yong;Kim, Dong Su;Bang, Yu Jin;Chung, Hae Gyung;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.113-119,
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The Relationship between Serum Cholesterol and Impulsiveness in the Division of the Republic of Korean Army
Kim, Seul Ki;Kang, Suk-Hoon;Lim, Myung Ho;Choi, Jong hyuk;Lee, Byung yong;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.120-126,
9 |
The Relationship between Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Addictive Use of Mobile Phone in Bullies of School Violence
Seo, Ji-Yeong;Park, Chul-Soo;Kim, Bong-Jo;Cha, Bo-Seok;Lee, Cheol-Soon;Lee, So-Jin;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.127-132,
10 |
Comparison of Adolescents' Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) Profile between Traumatized Group and Non-Traumatized Group, and between PTSD Symptom Group and Non-PTSD Symptom Group among the Traumatized Group
Shin, Seung Min;Lee, Byung Wook;Yi, Jung Seo;Kim, Young Ku;Lee, Hong Seock;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.133-140,
11 |
Trends in Prevalence of Suicidal Idea, Attempt and Suicide Rate in Korea, 2006-2011
Yi, Kikyoung;Na, Ri Ji;Ahn, Myung Hee;Lim, Ahyoung;Hong, Jin Pyo;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.141-145,
12 |
Influence of Comorbid Mental Disorder on Time to Seeking Treatment in Anxiety Disorder : Comparison of Social Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder
Kim, Hye-Min;Ha, Juwon;Lim, Se-Won;Oh, Kang-Seob;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.146-152,
13 |
Validity and Reliability of the Employee's Stress Response Scale
Lee, Jeong Eun;Choi, Bora;Jung, Young-Eun;Song, Gary;Kang, Min Jae;Chae, Jeong-Ho;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.153-160,
14 |
Borderline Personality Disorder with Infanticide and Denial of Pregnancy : A Case Report
Jung, Semina;Paik, Ki Chung;Lee, Jun Hyung;Kim, Kyung Min;Doh, Jin Ah;Lim, Myung Ho;
Korean Academy of Anxiety Disorders
, v.8, no.2, pp.161-166,