한국가시화정보학회 (The Korean Society of Visualization)
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- 미디어/커뮤니케이션/문헌정보 > 커뮤니케이션일반
한국가시화정보학회 2007년도 추계학술대회
The induced-charge electroosmosis (ICEO) is a kind of electroosmotic flow which is generated by the electrical charge induced by an externally-applied electric field. That kind of electrokinetic phenomenon provides a nonmechanical technique to handle microscale flows and particles. In this work, we report that the ICEO-like flow is observed around two kinds of circular-cylindrical rod submerged in a dielectric liquid. The conductivity of the solution is varied by adding a surfactant. The flow field is visualized by the PIV method, and average flow speed shows a remarkable dependence on electrical input frequency. Interestingly, the characteristics of the flow are quite different from the conventional ICEO with respect to the flow direction and the locations of center of vortices.
To improve the conventional optical chromatography, the continuous particle separator, the cross-type optical chromatography, is fabricated using micro-channel and fiber optics. A laser beam irradiates into the liquid solution containing particles in the perpendicular to the liquid flow direction. The different sized polystyrene latex micro-spheres,
$2.0\;{\mu}m\;{\pm}\;0.02\;{\mu}m$ ,$5.0\;{\mu}m\;{\pm}\;0.05\;{\mu}m$ , and$10.0\;{\mu}m\;{\pm}\;0.09\;{\mu}m$ diameter, are separated in cross-type optical chromatography. The separated particles are delivered to down stream in the micro-channel maintaining the retention distance continuously. The measured retention distances for different sized particles well agree with theoretical predictions. -
The basic concept and preliminary performance results of a miniaturized electroosmotic (EO) pump with diaphragms were included in the present study. The separation of an electroosmotic pumping liquid from a drug using diaphragms is mainly to have a freedom in choosing an electroosmotic pumping liquid and to achieve the optimal drug delivery, and, preferably its precise control. We performed maximum flow rate, maximum pressure, and maximum current measurements with and without diaphragm designs. As a result, the effect of diaphragms on pump performance at the maximum condition is small. However, the presence of diaphragms does not allow indefinite continuous pumping.
The paper reports on a new type of combinatorial chaotic and serpentine micromixer. Such a new and novel micromixer is simple to fabricate and easy to use. The micromixer is characterized and visualized with the help of the Micro-LIF technique. The new micromixer will e further applied to lab-on-chip device. The mixing capabilities of this mixer is about 30-33%.
현재 많은 연구들이 작은 크기에 여러 공정을 집적시킬 수 있는 장점을 가진 마이크로 장치의 개발과 활용에 집중되고 었다. 마이크로 장치에서 가장 중요한 것은 미세 유동의 효율적인 제어이다. 본 연구에서는 마이크로 장치에 직접 적용 가능한 표면 개질 된 마이크로 채널의 유동에 대하여 고려하였다. 표면 개질(surface treatment)은 물리적, 화학적인 작용을 통해서 채널 내부 표면의 습윤성을 변화시켜 유동을 제어하는 방법이다. 친수성(glass)을 가지는 마이크로 채널 내부의 일부를 소수성(teflon)으로 개질 후, 고속카메라를 이용하여 채널 내부를 흐르는 유체의 유동 경계면 변화를 분석하였다. 또한 유동 해석을 위한 상용 코드(CFD-ACE)를 이용하여 유동에 대한 수치 해석을 진행하여 가시화된 실험 결과와 비교 분석하였다. 실험 결과와 수치 해석 결과를 통해, 친수성과 소수성 표면 배열에 따른 일시적인 유동 변화를 관찰하였다. 본 연구 결과를 통해 마이크로 채널 유동의 최적화 상태를 찾을 수 있으며, 보다 용이한 미세 유동 제어가 가능하다.
Flow visualization of a droplet passing through a straight channel and a diverging channel has been carried out using micro-PIV. Diverging channel is frequently used in lab-on-a-chip and microfluidic devices, where flow pattern inside the droplet passing is quite different from that through a straight channel. In the present study, we visualized the droplet flow in three different regions. The first region is where the droplet has a wide contact area with the channel wall, the second region is characterized with a narrow contact area and the third region is where droplet is detached from the channel wall. Visualization results show that the internal flow inside the droplet passing through the straight channel moves in the opposite direction to the droplet velocity in the near wall exhibiting complex flow patterns. But in the diverging channel the internal flow inside the droplet moves in the same direction as the droplet velocity due to the shear induced by oil phase flow exhibiting rather simple flow pattern.
This paper presents numerical and experimental works for simultaneous pumping and mixing small liquid using asymmetric microelectrode arrays, based on AC electroosmotic flows. To this end, four arrangements of electrode pairs were considered with diagonal/herringbone shapes. Numerical simulations were made of three-dimensional geometries by using the linear theory. The results indicated that the helical flow motions induced by the electrode arrays play a significant role in the mixing enhancement. The pumping performance was influenced by the slip velocity at the center region of the channel compared to that near the side walls. To validate the numerical predictions, the microfluidic devices were made through MEMS. The flow rate was obtained by using micro PIV, increasing the applied frequency. The electrolyte was potassium chloride solution. The flow patterns above electrodes were visualized to see lateral flow for mixing. The experimental results showed good agreements with the numerical predictions.
Recently, many studies concern on the slip flow and slip length, which allow liquid flow to reduce drag force in microchannel. However, until now not enough investigation is performed experimentally to understand the slip flow in the superhydrophobic microchannel exhibiting riblet structures on vertical wall. Here we investigated and compared the slip flows according to the surface characteristics; hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and superhydrophobic wettabilities. Using the micro-PIV, velocity profiles can be obtained in the glass (hydrophilic), PDMS (hydrophobic), and micro-structured PDMS (superhydrophobic) microchannels. For both PDMS and superhydrophobic PDMS microchannels, we observed the slip effects showing the microscale slip lengths. Due to the micro-riblet, there are two distinctive flow characteristics on the riblet surface and the liquid meniscus in the valleys.
Animal cells show different behaviors in response to the mechanical properties of the substrates. We hypothesize that the rigidity of the substrates also affects the bacterial motility and controls the colony dynamics. It is found that the colony size of Escherichia colis and Bacillus subtilis grown on the agar plates is correlated with agarose gel concentrations and thus with the substrate rigidity. High- resolution microscopic imaging reveals that bacteria in single colonies form different aggregation patterns on the agar plates with varying gel concentration. We measured the apparent diffusion coefficients in the agarose gel plates made with different gel concentrations. Mathematical modeling and quantitative imaging of dye dispersion in the agar plates suggest that there is a close connection between the diffusion rate and the colony size. Nanoscale pore structures and kinetic constraints in the porous media may have an effect on bacterial colony dynamics.
Internal flow characteristics for an automobile HVAC have been investigated using a high-resolution PIV technique. The PIV system consists of a 2-head Nd:YAG laser(125 mJ), a high-resolution CCD camera(
$2K\;{\times}\;2K$ ), optics and a synchronizer. An automobile HVAC module was used directly. Only the casing was remodeled transparently for capturing flow image and laser sheet beam illumination. Time-averaged velocity field were measured in three temperature control mode. For three temperature control modes, the internal flow characteristics for an automobile HVAC system were evaluated from PIV results.. -
A new evaluation method for the performance tests of the frozen air in a refrigerator using PIV(Particle Imaging Velocimetry) and POD(Proper Orthogonal Decomposition) techniques is introduced. A two-door refrigerator model was tested for the experiments. Actual temperature measurements were carried out for the drawer No.4 in refrigerator. By evaluating the characteristics of the interior flow of the refrigerator, an optimal shape of the drawer could be suggested through the PIV evaluation test. In this research, in order to find influences the turbulent kinetic energy contribution associated with the dynamic structures, we executed a POD analysis using the method of snapshots and the instantaneous fluctuating velocity field.
Kiwifruit vines with broad leaves are easily torn or shed by high-speed wind. In this study, the threshold wind speed at which a cane is broken was investigated experimentally with varying physical parameters of a kiwifruit vine under two different ABL (atmospheric boundary layer) conditions. In addition, the temporal variation of wind-blown young canes was visualized using a high-speed camera. The average threshold wind speeds for ABL types A and B are about 20.5 m/s and 18.9 m/s, respectively. A wind-blown young cane takes periodic up-and-down motion when it is broken off. The mean motion frequency of young canes of the kiwifruit vines was found to be about 4.5Hz.
To diagnose the vascular diseases from the viewpoint of hemodynamics, we need detailed quantitative hemodynamic information of related blood flows with a high spatial resolution of tens micrometer and a high temporal resolution in the order of millisecond. For investigating in-vivo hemodynamic phenomena of vascular circulatory diseases, a new diagnosing technique combining a medical radiography and PIV method was newly developed. This technique called 'Angiographic PIV system' consists of a medical X-ray tube, an X-ray CCD camera, a shutter module for generating double pulse-type X-ray, and a synchronizer. Through several preliminary tests, the feasibility of the Angiographic PIV technique was verified. For in-vivo applications to real blood flows, we developed tracer microcapsules, which were optimized to this system, made of a contrast material of iodine and a matrix material of PVA (polyvinylpyrrolidone). In near future, the Angiographic PIV technique will be used for understanding hemodynamic phenomena of vascular diseases and for their early detection.
Micro-PIV is a well-known method for measurement of two- dimensional, two-component velocity in the microfluidic devices. Lots of the micro fluidic devices generate three-dimensional flow and 3D measurement of velocity is helpful to understand the physics of micro flow phenomena. In this study, we developed new micro 3D measurement method by applying 2-frame PTV in stereoscopic micro system. In this study, we did the validation study of SMPTV by using the simulated flow model to verify the accuracy and the feasibility of measurement and compared with SMPIV method. The results showed that SMPTV provides better spatial resolution and measurement accuracy than SMPIV method.
As a carrier of malaria and sneak of blood, mosquitoes are regarded as an unpleasant insect. However, there are novel phenomena that happen inside a mosquito. Among them, we focused on the blood sucking function of a female mosquito. The main objective of this study was to investigate the mosquito's pumping mechanism in order to resolve the problem encountered when we inject or transport biologic fluids into a micro-chip. To analyze the pumping mechanism, we visualized the blood sucking process inside a female mosquito. Flow characteristics of blood flow in a proboscis were investigated experimentally using a micro-PIV velocity field measurement technique. The anatomical variation of head, thorax, abdomen which work as pumps and valves, was visualized using the syncrotron X-ray micro-imaging technique.
Three-dimensional (3D) velocity field information of a laminar flow in a curved micro tube of circular cross-section has been measured using a digital micro holographic particle tracking velocimetry (HPTV). The temporal evolution of instantaneous velocity field of a water flow in a curved micro tube of
$100\;{\mu}\;m$ and$300\;{\mu}\;m$ in inner diameter was obtained. The 3D mean velocity field distribution was obtained quantitatively by statistical-averaging of instantaneous velocity fields. At low Dean number (De), a secondary flow was not generated in the curved tube. With increasing Dean number, the secondary flow constituted of two large-scale counter-rotating vortices was formed due to enhanced centrifugal force. To reveal the flow characteristics of high Dean numbers, trajectories of fluid particles were evaluated experimentally from the 3D velocity fields data measured by the HPTV technique. The present experimental results, especially the 3D particle trajectories, would be helpful to design and to understand the mixing phenomena in 3D curved passages of various curved micro-tubes or micro-channels. -
The sloshing flows in the cargo tank model of a ship are measured by PIV and are analyzed with the results. The measurement system is consisted of a Nd-Yag laser(120mJ, 15Hz). two cameras(
$1k\;{\times}\;1k$ ) and a host computer. Four experimental cases were tested for the tank model. in which swaying motions are made by 6 DOF-motion platform. The amplitudes of swaying are 9.76mm and 29.29mm, and the frequencies are 0.633Hz and 0.828Hz. The measurement regions are the vertical plane 50mm away from the front wall of the tank where a pump tower is installed. It was verified that the flow patterns of the sloshing are similar each other when the swaying amplitudes are similar. -
The effect of axial slit wall of outer cylinder on Taylor-Couette flow was experimentally investigated. The axial slits were azimuthally located along the inner wall of outer cylinder and the number of slits was 6, 9 and 18. The radius ratio and aspect ratio of the experimental models was 0.825 and 48, respectively. We used PIV method to measure the flow field and applied refractive index matching method to resolve the image distortion due to the complex model geometry. The results showed the effect of slit on the flow transition is increased as the number of slit increased. When the model has 6 slits, there were hardly the effect of axial slit wall and the flow transition happened at the same Reynolds number of plain smooth wall model case.
An electrostatic inkjet head can be used for manufacturing processes of large display systems and printed circuit boards (PCB) as well as inkjet printers because an electrostatic field provides an external force which can be manipulated to control sizes of droplets. The existing printing methods such as thermal bubble and piezo inkjet heads have shown difficulties to control the ejection of the droplets for printing applications. Thus, the new inkjet head has been proposed using the electrostatic force. A numerical analysis has been performed to calculate the intensity of the electrostatic field using the Maxwell's equation. Also, experiments have been carried out to investigate the droplet movement using a downward capillary with outside diameter of
$500{\mu}m$ . Gravity, surface tension, and electrostatic force have been analyzed with high voltages for a drop-on-demand ejection. It has been observed that the droplet size decreases and the frequency of the droplet formation and the velocity of the droplet ejection increase with increasing the intensity of the electrostatic field using high-speed camera. -
The temporal evolution of wake behind a circular cylinder oscillating rotationally with a relatively high forcing frequency has been investigated experimentally using a dynamic PIV technique. Experiments were carried out with varying the frequency ratio
$F_R\;(=f_f/f_n)$ in the range from 0.0 (stationary) to 1.6 at oscillation amplitude of${\theta}_A=30^{\circ}$ and Reynolds number of$Re=4.14{\times}10^3$ . Depending on the forcing condition ($F_R$ ), the flow was divided into three regimes; non-lock-on ($F_R=0.4$ ), transition ($F_R=0.8$ , 1.6) and lock-on regimes ($F_R=1.0$ ) with markedly different flow structure in the near-wake region behind the cylinder. When the frequency ratio was less than 1.0 ($F_R{\le}1.0$ ), the rotational oscillatory motion of the cylinder decreased the length of the vortex formation region and enhanced the mutual interaction between large-scale vortices across the wake centerline. The entrainment of ambient fluid seemed to play an important role in controlling the near-wake flow and shear-layer instability. However, the flow characteristics changed markedly beyond the lock-on flow regime ($F_R=1.0$ ) due to high-frequency forcing. At$F_R=1.6$ , the mutual interactions between the vortices shed from both sides of the cylinder were not so strong. Thereby, the flow entrainment and momentum transfer into the wake center region were reduced. In addition, the size of the large-scale vortices decreased since the lateral extent of the wake was suppressed. -
본 연구는 고점도 유체의 혼합을 위한 교반기 설계의 기초연구로서 스크류 형상의 임펠러(또는 헬리컬 임펠러)를 가지는 교반기 내의 유동과 이에 따른 유체혼합 특성을 수치해석을 통해 가시화한 것이다. 이와 더불어 양호한 혼합효과를 가져다 줄 것으로 예상되는 엇갈림형 스크류 임펠러의 모델을 제안하였다. 수치해석상의 유체는 고점도의 Newton유체로 가정하였으며 임펠러의 회전속도는 6[rpm]으로 아주 작게 하여 저 레이놀즈수(약 Re=3)에서 혼합효과를 연구하였다. 또한 각종 설계 파라미터를 변화시켜 혼합 양상의 차이를 분석하여 설계에 반영하고자 하였다.
In comparison with previous researches for swirling flow, the spiral flow self-generated in the spiral flow nozzle has some different characteristics. It is not needed a compulsive tangential momentum to get its velocity component and has long potential core, relatively low swirl ratio, and high focusing ability. In this study, the self-generated mechanism of the spiral flow was clarified and the effect on the width of annular slit on spiral flow characteristics was investigated experimentally and numerically. As a result, the existence of tangential velocity component regardless of a compulsive angular momentum is clarified and the results obtained by experiment have a satisfactory agreement with those by numerical method, quantitatively and qualitatively.
This study examines the effect of acoustic excitation using forced coaxial air on the flame characteristics of turbulent hydrogen nonpremixed flames. A resonance frequency was selected to acoustically excite the coaxial air jet due to its ability to effectively amplify the acoustic amplitude and reduce flame length and NOx emissions. Acoustic excitation causes the flame length to decrease by 15 % and consequently, a 25 % reduction in EINOx is achieved, compared to a flame without acoustic excitation. Moreover, acoustic excitation induces periodical fluctuation of the coaxial air velocity, thus resulting in slight fluctuation of the fuel velocity. From phase-lock PIV and OH PLIF measurement, the local flow properties at the flame surface were investigated under acoustic forcing. During flame-vortex interaction in the near field region, the entrainment velocity and the flame surface area increased locally near the vortex. This increase in flame surface area and entrainment velocity is believed to be a crucial factor in reducing flame length and NOx emission in coaxial jet flames with acoustic excitation. Local flame extinction occurred frequently when subjected to an excessive strain rate, indicating that intense mass transfer of fuel and air occurs radially inward at the flame surface.
Water management for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (PEFC) has been receiving large attention as an important issue in practical applications. Proper water management is vital to achieve high performance and durability of PEFC. In this study, an X-ray imaging technique was employed to visualize the water distribution in a PEFC quantitatively. X-ray images of the PEFC components with and without water are distinguished clearly. From the visualized X-ray images, we could confirm the water distribution in the region between separator and gas diffusion layer (GDL). In addition, the contact angle of water in the micro-channels was also clearly visualized..