The Effect of Hair Salon SNS Information Characteristics on Purchase Intention, Customer Satisfaction

헤어살롱 SNS 정보특성이 구매의도, 고객만족에 미치는 영향

  • 이민영 (서경대학교 일반대학원, 미용예술학과) ;
  • 박진현 (서경대학교 미용예술대 )
  • Received : 2024.10.21
  • Accepted : 2024.11.15
  • Published : 2024.11.30


Consumers are acquiring information about hair salons and hairstyles through SNS. As SNS activities become more active in the hair field, this study aims to analyze how SNS information characteristics of hair salons affect purchase intention and customer satisfaction. For this study, a questionnaire was conducted on 267 adults in their 20s and 30s. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis were conducted to understand characteristics of respondents in this study. In addition, multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the influence between variables. Results of this study were: 1) usefulness of SNS information characteristics did not have a positive effect on purchase intention; 2) reality of SNS information characteristics had a positive effect on purchase intention; 3) interest of SNS information characteristics had a positive effect on purchase intention; 4) usefulness of SNS information characteristics did not have a positive effect on customer satisfaction; 5) reality of SNS information characteristics had a positive effect on customer satisfaction; and 6) interest of SNS information had a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Results of this study could be used as basic data for establishing a company's marketing strategy plan to elicit purchasing behavior and attitude of consumers of hair salons through the development of SNS.



본 연구는 2024년도 서경대학교 교내 연구비 지원에 의하여 이루어졌음.


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