Assessing the impact of DIONISIO-SubChanFlow code coupling in nuclear fuel performance simulations

  • Received : 2024.03.26
  • Accepted : 2024.06.27
  • Published : 2024.11.25


Realistic simulation of nuclear fuel performance requires not only validated models capable of describing the thermomechanical phenomena that take place within the fuel under irradiation conditions, but a detailed description of the thermal hydraulics of the channel surrounding the fuel rods, which provides the boundary conditions of the system. In this work, the main results and outlooks of coupling the thermal hydraulics code SubChanFlow with the fuel performance code DIONISIO are presented. To achieve this, an internal coupling was implemented, wherein DIONISIO is used as a master code controlling SubChanFlow as a thermal hydraulics subroutine replacing the simplified version already embedded in DIONISIO. Several tests were conducted to ensure the performance and quality of the coupling under normal operation conditions as a first approach. In addition, it was observed that the coupling demonstrated a significant improvement in the description of the cladding temperature and related variables, such as oxide thickness and hydrogen uptake, when compared with experimental data.



This work was supported by the Strategic Partnership UNSAM-KIT (SPUK) and partially by the Agencia Nacional de Promocion de la Investigacion, el Desarrollo Tecnologico y la Innovacion, Argentina (PICT-2018-01568).


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