How Network Openness and Reciprocity Drive Financial Performance Considering Environmental Uncertainty

  • Yoojin OH (Division of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Korea National Sport University) ;
  • Minhye PARK (Department of Global Culture Management, Calvin University)
  • Received : 2024.10.06
  • Accepted : 2024.11.28
  • Published : 2024.11.30


Purpose: Effective network management will be essential for B2B companies as they navigate the challenges of today's fast-changing global business landscape. This study seeks to propose effective strategies that help B2B companies develop competitive advantages and attain sustainable growth by optimizing their networks in uncertain environments. Research design, data and methodology: This study suggests that network openness and network reciprocity affect the firm's financial performance, and that these effects may vary according to the level of environmental uncertainty. The hypotheses were tested with data collected using a cross-sectional survey of plant engineering network. The gathered data was analyzed by multiple regression analysis using the STATA program Results: The results of Model 1 indicate that both network openness and network reciprocity have positive effects on financial performance. In Model 2, environmental uncertainty strengthens the positive effect of network openness on financial performance, but reduces the positive impact of network reciprocity. These findings suggest that environmental uncertainty influences a firm's financial performance. Conclusions: This study offers both theoretical and practical insights. Although network structure is considered a key factor, its subjective nature poses challenges in measurement, and the cross-sectional design introduces certain limitations. Future research should investigate different applicable directions building on the findings of this study.



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