이 연구는 2024년 산업통상자원부 및 산업기술기획평가원(KEIT) 연구비 지원에 의한 연구임(RS-2023-00261157).
- Tae Bum Min, Hyun Kuk Choi, Hyeong Cheol Kim, et al., 2019 : Use of alternative fuels in cement manufacturing, Korea Recycled Construction Resources Institute, 14(1), pp.17-21.
- Jae Won Choi, Kyung Mo Koo, Byeong know You, et al., 2021 : Study on the Correlation between Quality of Cement and Amount of Alternative Fuels used in Clinker Sintering Process, Korea Recycled Construction Resources Institute, 9(1), pp.75-84.
- Korea Cement Association Resource Recycle Center Homepage, Current status of recycling of circulating resources in the domestic cement industry,, May 10, 2024.
- Korea Cement Association Resource Recycle Center Homepage, Current status of recycling of circulating resources in the domestic cement industry,, May 10, 2024.
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- Anjan Chatterjee, Tonbo Sui, 2019 : Alternative fuels-Effects on clinker process and properties, Cement and Concrete Research, 123, pp.1-19.
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- Hi Youl Kim, Tae Young Che, Ju Won Park, et al., 2021 : A study on the Characteristics of the pyrosis for the PE, PP, PVC, RPF by using TGA, The Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy, Autumn Conference, pp. 637-641.
- Paul Stutzman, Alan Heckert, Amelia Tebbe, et al., 2014 : Uncertainty in Bogue-calculated phase composition of hydraulic cements, Cement and Concrete Research, 61, pp.40-48.
- Industrial Standards Deliberation Committee, 2018 : Fly ash, KS L 5405, 12th edition, Korean Standards & Certification, pp.15-16.
- Young Jun Lee, Nam Il Kim, Jeong Hoon Cho, et al., 2021 : A Study on the Characteristics of Clinker and Cement as Chlorine Content, Resources Recycling, 30(5), pp.10-16.
- Donald H. Campbell, 2000 : Microscopical examination and interpretation of portland cement clinker, 2nd Edition, pp.46-49, PCA, Washington.
- Young Jun Lee, Woo Sung Yum, Sung Kwan Seo, et al., 2023 : Effects of IM and Chlorine Contents on Cement Clinker, Resources Recycling, 32(5), pp.62-69.
- Tae Yeon Kim, Nam Il Kim, Yong Sik Chu, 2020 : Burnability and mineral properties of clinker added chlorine, Resources Recycling, 29(6), pp.48-56.