창호 일체형 환기 시스템의 환기 성능 평가 방법 연구

A Study on the Ventilation Performance Evaluation Method of the Window-Integrated Ventilation System

  • 박상훈 (인천대학교 도시건축학부 )
  • Sanghoon Park
  • 발행 : 2024.06.30


This study is a preliminary study to establish the criteria for evaluating the performance of the window-integrated ventilation system. This study analyzed various references that can evaluate the performance of the ventilation system and established the evaluation method. In addition, the performance evaluation method was quantitatively evaluated by conducting a pilot experiment to verify and supplement the performance evaluation method of the ventilation system. The performance of the ventilation system was categorized into ventilation, air quality, airtightness, noise, visibility and view according to the evaluation category. In particular, according to the ventilation and air quality evaluation, it was found that the indoor carbon dioxide concentration can be reduced by about 14 % when the window-integrated ventilation system is applied. The ventilation performance evaluation method and experimental data of this study will serve as basic data for subsequent studies to establish comprehensive performance evaluation criteria for similar ventilation systems.



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