Types and Characteristics of the Royal Residences in the Late Joseon Dynasty

조선 후기 궁방(宮房) 제택(第宅)의 종류와 성격

  • Lee, Jong-Seo (Department of History and Culture, University of Ulsan)
  • 이종서 (울산대학교 역사문화학과)
  • Received : 2024.08.22
  • Accepted : 2024.10.13
  • Published : 2024.10.31


In this paper, the royal residence was divided into a mansion in the capital, a house built in the name of memorial in a burial place, and a mansion on a farm, and examined the character and structure of each house. The large and splendid mansions in the capital were issued by the state, and the laws restricting the scale of construction were avoided or violated from the time they were enacted, and lost its effect around the time of King Jungjong. In the early days of the Joseon Dynasty, new houses were built, but gradually it became customary to buy existing houses and repair and expand them. Houses built near tombs were nominally memorial facilities, but they had the structure of houses and were owned and lived in by descendants for generations. The houses built on the site of farms functioned as both farm management office and villas, and were retained by royal descendants even after their royal privileges expired. The classification of the types and characteristics of royal residences carried out in this paper can serve as a reference for analyzing the existing royal buildings, which are collectively referred to as 'Royal houses(Gung-jip)'.



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