A Simulation Study of Sled Test Method Considering Passenger behavior in Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) Events

자동긴급제동 시 탑승자 거동을 고려한 슬레드 시험 방안의 해석적 연구

  • Young Myoung So ;
  • Ho Kim ;
  • Junsuk Bae
  • 소영명 (유이엔지니어링) ;
  • 김호 (유이엔지니어링) ;
  • 배준석 (유이엔지니어링)
  • Received : 2024.05.14
  • Accepted : 2024.08.20
  • Published : 2024.09.30


Due to its good repeatability and reproducibility, sled test is an effective way to study the occupant behavior during car crash but sled test is not suitable to simulate long term events (>1000 msec) such as autonomous emergency braking (AEB) which accompanies over 1 second of braking stage before crash. The behavior of dummies at different AEB levels are assessed using the Hybrid-III 50% male dummy and 5% female dummy FE models. Behavior of dummies are studied at different postures like normal posture, relaxed posture, and long-sliding relaxed posture. Dummy behavior from prepositioning (presetting the dummy as dummy will be positioned after AEB activation) and that from full event simulation which includes AEB activation as well as crash will be compared to check the effectiveness of prepositioning. Furthermore, based on the observation that the forward excursion of dummy head remains at a certain level with the lapse of time, we evaluated the applicability of time-shortened pulses method as well. Prepostioning method can be applied to normal posture, but it is not applicable to the relaxed posture, and it is confirmed that it can be corrected by applying the time-shortened pulses method.



본 연구는 국토교통부/국토교통과학기술진흥원의 지원으로 수행되었다(과제번호 21AMDP-C160637-01).


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