A Study on Aircraft Dynamic Response and Stability After Go-Around Using XGBoost Modeling Based on QAR Data

QAR 데이터기반 XGBoost 모델링을 활용한 복행 후 항공기 동적 반응 및 안정성 연구

  • 전제형 (한국항공대학교 항공운항관리학과) ;
  • 김현덕 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과)
  • Received : 2024.08.18
  • Accepted : 2024.08.30
  • Published : 2024.09.30


The go-around procedure plays a crucial role in aviation safety, allowing pilots to abort unsafe landings and attempt a new approach. While existing studies have primarily focused on predicting the onset of go-arounds, relatively little attention has been paid to evaluating aircraft stability and performance after a go-around has been initiated. This study aims to address this gap by systematically assessing the dynamic response and stability of aircraft following a go-around using Quick Access Recorder (QAR) data. The methodology involves classifying go-around events into 'near-ground' and 'at-altitude' categories, and analyzing changes in pitch, descent rate, engine performance, and environmental factors after the initiation of the go-around to evaluate its stability and efficiency. The XGBoost machine learning algorithm is employed to model the aircraft's response post go-around and to predict stability across various go-around scenarios. The findings from this study provide insights that can enhance the safety and efficiency of go-around procedures through systematic analysis of QAR data, contributing to improvements in operational protocols and pilot training programs.



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