Accuracy Assessment of Reservoir Depth Measurement Data by Unmanned Boat using GIS

GIS를 이용한 무인보트의 저수지 수심측정자료 정확도 평가

  • Kim, Dae-Sik (Dept. of Agri. Eng., College of Agri. & Life Sciences, Chungnam Nat'l Univ.)
  • 김대식 (충남대학교 농업생명과학대학 지역환경토목학과)
  • Received : 2024.08.01
  • Accepted : 2024.08.25
  • Published : 2024.08.31


This study developed the procedure and method for the accuracy assessment of unmanned boat survey data, based on the reservoir water depth data of Misan Reservoir, measured by the manned and unmanned boats in 2009 by Korea Rural Community Corporation. In the first step, this study devised the method to extract the contour map of NGIS data in AutoCAD to generate easily the reservoir boundary map used to set the survey range of reservoir water depth and to test the survey accuracy. The surveyed data coordinate systems of the manned and the unmanned boat were also unified by using ArcGIS for the standards of accuracy assessment. In the accuracy assessment, the spatial correlation coefficient of the grid maps of the two measurement results was 0.95, showing high pattern similarity, although the average error was high at 78cm. To analyze in more detail assessment, this study generated randomly the 3,250m transverse profile route (PR), and then extracted grid values of water depth on the PR. In the results of analysis to the extracted depth data on PR, the error average difference of the unmanned boat measurements was 73.18cm and the standard deviation of the error was 55cm compared to the manned boat. This study set these values as the standard for the correction value by average shift and noise removal of the unmanned boat measurement data. By correcting the unmanned boat measurements with these values, this study has high accuracy results, the reservoir water depth and surface area curve with R2 = 0.97 and the water depth and storage volume curve with R2 = 0.999.



이 연구는 충남대학교(교육·연구 및 학생지도비)에 의해 지원되었음.


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