본 연구는 정원에 담긴 의미를 중심으로 1960년대 이후 싱가포르 친환경 도시 정책의 시기별 기조와 자연관을 해석한다. 각 시기의 정책 및 입법 자료, 개발 프로젝트, 정부 홍보물과 관련 조직도를 분석해 중심 기조를 세 단계로 분류했다. '정원도시' 슬로건을 중심으로 자연이 잘 통제되고 관리된 도시의 외형을 정원에 투사해 제시하는 초기 단계가 1960년대부터 시작됐다. 1970년대부터 정책의 중심이 개별 녹지와 수자원에서 이를 통합한 체계와 기반 시설로 점차 이동한다. 이런 변화는 '정원 속 도시'라는 새로운 슬로건에 반영되며, 여기서 정원은 도시의 기반이자 하나의 시스템이라는 새로운 지위를 가진다. 이 시기를 거치며 싱가포르 정부는 성격과 규모에 따라 녹지와 수자원을 통합적으로 관리하는 시스템을 갖춘다. 이를 토대로 2000년대부터는 지속가능성과 도시 생태에 집중하는 새로운 정책 기조를 채택하며 '자연 속 도시'로 슬로건을 바꾼다. 약 50년간 정원 개념을 중심으로 정책 지변을 넓힌 싱가포르 정부는 정원을 다리 삼아 도시와 자연의 경계를 허물고 있다.
This study interprets the evolving ideologies of Singapore's urban environmental policies focusing on the meanings encapsulated within the notion of 'garden'. Through a comprehensive review of policy documents, legislative materials, development projects, government promotional materials, and organizational changes in each era, the study identifies three phases, each with distinct central themes. Commencing in the 1960s, the initial phase projected a meticulously controlled and managed cityscape using the notion of garden, which was epitomized by the slogan 'Garden City'. In this phase, garden was a representative concept that embodied the cleanliness and greenness of the city, and also served as a strategic rhetoric to effectively transfer the ideology of an exemplary picturesque city to the public. Subsequently, in the 1970s, the focus gradually shifted from individual green spaces and bodies of water towards a collective system which served as a foundational infrastructure of the city-nation. This evolution was reflected in the new slogan 'City in a Garden', where the garden is now not only summoned for its external appearance but also as an unified system which serves as the cornerstone of the city. Through these phases, the Singaporean government developed a scheme capable of integrated management of green spaces and water resources tailored to the scale and function of each. Building upon this foundation, the early 2000s saw the adoption of a new orientation focusing on sustainability and urban ecology, encapsulated in the revised slogan 'City in Nature'. For more than five decades, Singapore has demonstrated an adept utilization of the notion 'garden'. This scholarly examination underscores Singapore's journey in redefining urban landscapes through the strategic employment of the concept of garden in its urban environmental policies. By tracing the evolution of the garden concept across distinct phases, the study illuminates how the Singaporean government leveraged the garden's versatility: from an effective metaphor of aesthetic values to an integral component of its holistic urban system, and finally to a bridge between the urban and the natural.