Modular apartment houses are a relatively new approach to public housing in South Korea. While promising in terms of efficiency and potential cost benefits, initial occupancy and maintenance data highlight areas for improvement in quality control. Analysis of defects reported during occupancy and maintenance stages revealed a high prevalence of issues with wallpaper and flooring. This suggests a need for stricter quality control measures during the production and installation of these building components. Furthermore, maintenance data identified shortcomings in the waterproofing methods employed for roofs, as well as in the design and construction management of connections between the low-rise concrete frames and the modular units themselves, including balconies. These findings point towards the importance of meticulous design and rigorous construction management practices to ensure the long-term durability of these critical building elements. Finally, the research suggests that unifying responsibility for construction management by awarding contracts for both the frame and the modular units to a single company could improve overall quality control. This approach could potentially mitigate issues arising from divided responsibility and streamline communication channels. By addressing these quality control concerns, modular construction has the potential to become a more widely adopted and successful method for delivering public housing in South Korea.
국내 공공주택으로 활용되고 있는 모듈러 공동주택은 도입 초기 단계에 있다. 그 발생된 입주단계 하자와 입주 후 유지보수 단계의 하자를 구분하여 분석한 결과 입주단계에서 높은 비율을 차지하는 도배 및 바닥재 공사는 보양 등의 품질관리가 요구된다. 유지보수단계에서는 많이 발생하는 누수하자에 대해서 지붕공사의 노출방수공법 보완과 저층부 콘크리트 골조와 모듈러 연결부위, 그리고 모듈러 발코니 부위의 철저한 설계 및 시공관리가 필요하다. 또한 골조 및 유닛모듈 시공업체를 1개 업체로 발주하여 전체 시공 관리를 일원화하는 것이 요구된다. 이로써 모듈러 공공주택의 품질을 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단되며 모듈러 공법의 활성화에도 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.