• G. SRIKANYA (Department of Engineering Mathematics, Andhra University) ;
  • G. PRAKASAM BABU (Department of Engineering Mathematics, Andhra University) ;
  • CH. SANTHI SUNDAR RAJ (Department of Engineering Mathematics, Andhra University) ;
  • NATNAEL TESHALE (Department of Mathematics, College of NCS, University of Gondar)
  • Received : 2023.09.30
  • Accepted : 2024.04.24
  • Published : 2024.07.30


The set of all prime L-fuzzy ideals of an ADL A with truth values in a frame L is topologized and the resulting space is denoted by 𝓕L Spec (A), called fuzzy Stone space of A. Certain properties of the space 𝓕L Spec (A) are discussed, and it is proved that 𝓕L Spec (A) is homeomorphic with the product space Spec (A) × Spec (L).



We would like to thank the editors and the anonymous referees for their professional comments which improved quality of this paper.


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