Effects of Dimension, Density and Arrangement of the Unit Cell of the TPMS on Contact and Flow Areas of Combined TPMS Structures

TPMS 단위체의 크기, 밀도 및 배치가 혼합형 TPMS 구조의 접촉 및 유동 면적에 미치는 영향

  • K. K. Lee ;
  • H. Kim ;
  • D. G. Ahn (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chosun University)
  • 이광규 (조선대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 김현 (조선대학교 기계공학과) ;
  • 안동규 (조선대학교 기계공학과)
  • Received : 2024.07.14
  • Accepted : 2024.07.19
  • Published : 2024.08.01


The triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) structure is characterized by a high surface-to-volume (S/V) ratio and the separated internal structure for flow. Combining the different TPMS structures can provide unique flow and strength characteristics. This paper investigates the effects of dimension, density and arrangement of the unit cell of the TPMS on contact and flow areas of combined TPMS structures. Several representative TPMS structures, including primitive, gyroid and diamond structures, are adopted to design gradient and heterogeneous types TPMS structures. The estimation method of contact and flow areas using an image processing technique is proposed. Python software is used to predict contact and flow area. The influence of the combination method of TPMS on contact and flow areas in the contact surface of combined TPMS structures with different shapes is investigated. Based on the results of the investigation, an appropriate combination method of TPMS structures is discussed.



이 연구는 정부(과학기술정보통신부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(No. RS-2023-00219369)


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