Fracture analysis for nozzle cracks in nuclear reactor pressure vessel using FCPAS

  • Abdurrezzak Boz (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University) ;
  • Oguzhan Demir (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University)
  • Received : 2023.09.26
  • Accepted : 2024.01.25
  • Published : 2024.06.25


This study addresses cracks and fracture problems in engineering structures that may cause significant challenges and safety concerns, with a focus on pressure vessels in nuclear power plants. Comprehensive parametric three-dimensional mixed mode fracture analyses for inclined and deflected nozzle corner cracks with various crack shape aspect ratios and depth ratios in nuclear reactor pressure vessels are carried out. Stress intensity factor (SIF) solutions are obtained using FRAC3D, which is part of Fracture and Crack Propagation Analysis System (FCPAS), employing enriched finite elements along the crack front. Also, improved empirical equations are developed to allow the determination of mixed mode SIFs, KI, KII, and KIII, for any values of the parameters considered in the study. This study provides practical solutions to assess the remaining life and fail-safe conditions of nuclear reactors by providing accurate SIF determination.



The support by Dr. Ali O. Ayhan is gratefully acknowledged for providing FCPAS software.


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