Determinations of Impulsive Buying Behavior: An Empirical Analysis of Consumers' Purchase Intentions for Offline Beauty Products

  • Tayyaba Tanveer (Department (COMS), North Nazimabad Site, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (KIET)) ;
  • Mustaghis ur Rahman (Department (COMS), North Nazimabad Site, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (KIET)) ;
  • Syeda Qurat ul Ain Kazmi (Department (COMS), North Nazimabad Site, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology (KIET))
  • 투고 : 2024.07.05
  • 발행 : 2024.07.30


Ingrained in multiple consumption theories, this research covers the seven determinants (Hedonic Consumption, Consumers' mood, Store layout, product promotion, Persons' situation, Materialism, and Product Attributes) of purchase intentions of a consumer. For this study, 384 offline shoppers were surveyed and found that out of seven, six determinants significantly trigger impulse buying behavior of customers of beauty products in a modern market setting while one determinant 'Materialism' did not have any influence on the impulse buying behavior. The relationships of the variables were statistically checked by multiple linear regression. Results of this study show that a consumer's mood has a significant impact on impulse buying as it can trigger the impulse behavior of consumers. Person situations also have a positive impact on impulse buying it means time, money, fear of missing out can active impulse buying. Store layout can also trigger that unplanned purchase which means store lighting, the music of the store, ambiance may affect the purchasing. Product promotion has an impact on spontaneous purchase which indicates that free coupons, discounts, free delivery, offers to attract the customer to sudden purchase. Product design, packaging, color, labeling indicate a positive and significant impact on impulse buying. However, materialism indicates an insignificant impact on impulse buying.



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